Klaudiánova Hospital - Pulmonary department - tř. Václava Klementa 147

3/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Klaudiánova Hospital - Pulmonary department

Address :

tř. Václava Klementa 147, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Postal code : 293
Website : http://www.klaudianovanemocnice.cz/plicni-oddeleni-pne/ms-1134/p1%3D1134
Categories :
City : Mladá Boleslav

tř. Václava Klementa 147, 293 01 Mladá Boleslav, Czechia
Tereza Rejmont on Google

Hans-Guenter Tietz on Google

Ich war hier zur Blutabnahme. Super Service, geringe Wartezeit und daß in Zeiten von Corona. Ein dank an das Krankenhaus Personal.
I was here to have my blood drawn. Great service, short waiting times and that in times of Corona. Thanks to the hospital staff.
Iwka Stefanova on Google

Můj otec byl v této nemocnici. Poslali jsme ho tam, aby ho vyléčil, ale o týden později zemřel. Po jeho smrti nám ho nikdo nepusť vidět a důvodem bylo, že jsme neměli vakcínu proti koronaviru. Jeho děti jim nedovolily ho vidět, ale jeho žena neměla právo ho vidět. Nemohli jsme se s ním ani rozloučit. Nestydíte se o tom. ????????
My father was in this hospital. We sent him there to cure him, but he died a week later. No one let us see him after his death, and the reason was that we did not have a coronavirus vaccine. His children did not allow them to see him, but his wife had no right to see him. We couldn't even say goodbye to him. You're not ashamed of it. ????????

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