Klub Chlív

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Klub Chlív

Address :

Maďarská 6088/18, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77778
Categories :
City : Ostrava Poruba

Maďarská 6088/18, 708 00 Ostrava-Poruba, Czechia
Samuel Graňák on Google

Podľa informácii mal byť klub otvorený. Čakalo veľké sklamanie ponpríchode na miesto. Bar sa má nachádzať z druhej strany budovy, nikde to nebolo ani označené... našiel som staré rozbité schody ktoré ciedli ku dverám, na ktorých nebol ani oznam že je zatvorené! Veľmi zle. Obávam sa že vnútro by bolo ešte horšie. Odporúčam radšej navštíviť bar Co kdyby...
According to information, the club should be open. There was a great disappointment on arrival. The bar should be on the other side of the building, nowhere was it even marked ... I found an old broken staircase that led to a door where there was no announcement that it was closed! Very bad. I'm afraid the interior would be even worse. I recommend you visit the bar What if ...
Tomáš Balon on Google

Byl jsem zde s přítelkyní poprvé na koncert a dojmy jsou rozporuplné. Mám rád takovéto sklepní díry a zašivarny. Má to své kouzlo a atmosféru. V případě Chlivu jde bohužel vidět, že na to zvysoka kašlou. Už rok se v hospodách nekouří, ale podel baru byli ještě teď zapadane vajgly. Na všem v klubu je hnusná zašla špína. Madla od fodbalku a i celý jeho povrch je pokrytý vrstvou hnusu. Skleničky na víno zaprasene visíci nad barem mi fakt nedalo chuť si objednat. Dřevěné odkládací prostory okolo parketu se rozpadají. Opřel jsem se a vyvalil na sebe pivo. Ze stropu padá suť a omitka. Na stropě nad parketem vysi odporna smradlava plachta, proč? O zachodech ani nemluvím. Prochcane hnusné pisoary. Jaký je problém do toho koupit ten plastovej vonavej nesmysl.. Chápu, že majitel asi nemá finance na rekonstrukci. Ale s trochou péče by to šlo o 100% zlepšit s minimálními náklady. Jen na to těžce se*ou.. Nechápu že to ještě hygiena neuzavřela.
I was here with my girlfriend for the first time at a concert and the impressions are contradictory. I like such cellar holes and sewing rooms. It has its charm and atmosphere. In the case of Chliv, unfortunately, it can be seen that they cough up a lot. They haven't smoked in pubs for a year, but there were still vajgles along the bar. Everything in the club is ugly dirt. The handles from the football package and its entire surface are covered with a layer of disgust. The dusty wine glasses hanging above the bar really didn't make me want to order. The wooden storage spaces around the parquet are falling apart. I leaned back and poured myself a beer. Debris and plaster fall from the ceiling. There is a disgusting stinking tarpaulin on the ceiling above the parquet, why? I'm not even talking about toilets. Fucking nasty urinals. What is the problem with buying the plastic fragrant nonsense ... I understand that the owner probably does not have the funds for the reconstruction. But with a little care, it could be 100% improved with minimal cost. It's hard to get over it. I don't understand that hygiene hasn't closed it yet.
martin ferko on Google

Smrad v celém klubu z toalet. Místo dvou deci vína jsme dvakrát dostali 1,4deci i přes upozornění obsluhy.
Stink in the whole club from the toilets. Instead of two deci of wine, we received 1.4 deci twice, despite the operator's warning.
Chris Rapper on Google

artcom on Google

Tony Terra on Google

Super underground ?
Martin Skorec on Google

David Rajnoha on Google


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