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Contact Knihovna

Address :

Jungmannova 503 51, 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Czechia

Categories :
City : Chlumec nad Cidlinou

Jungmannova 503 51, 503 51 Chlumec nad Cidlinou, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Klidné a tiché město na soutoku řeky Cidliny s Bystřicí leží v průměrné nadmořské výšce 206 m s četnými rybníky, listnatými a jehličnatými lesy a je lemováno četnými zahradami, proto je někdy poeticky nazýváno jako Město v zahradách. Název města je odvozen od kopce Chlum, na kterém bylo založeno. Předchůdcem města byla osada s románským kostelem a malé hradiště na vrcholu kopce, které mělo strážní funkci na strategické cestě z Prahy do Hradce Králové, ale jehož pozůstatky byly zničeny při výstavbě zámku. První písemná zmínka pochází z Kosmovy kroniky k roku 1110. ale konkrétnější informace o Chlumci poprvé listiny zmiňují k roku 1235, kdy je v majetku Zdeslava z Chlumce z rodu Divišovců, pozdějších Šternberků. Quiet and picturesque town at the confluence of the river Cidlina and Bystřice lies at an average altitude of 206 meters, surrounded with numerous ponds, deciduous and coniferous forests and is also lined with numerous gardens, so it is sometimes poetically called the "City in the gardens". The name of the city is derived from the Chlum hill on which it was founded. The forerunner of the town was a settlement with a Romanesque church and a small hillfort, which had a guard function on a strategic route from Prague to Hradec Králové, but whose remains were destroyed during the construction of the castle. The first written mention comes from the Kosmas Chronicle of 1110. However, for the first time, more specific information about Chlumec was mentioned in the year 1235, when it was owned by Zdeslav of Chlumec from the Divišovci family, later Šternberks.
The quiet and peaceful town at the confluence of the river Cidlina with Bystřice lies at an average altitude of 206 m with numerous ponds, deciduous and coniferous forests and is lined with numerous gardens, so it is sometimes poetically called the City in the Gardens. The name of the town is derived from the hill Chlum, on which it was founded. The predecessor of the town was a settlement with a Romanesque church and a small fortified settlement on top of a hill, which had a guard function on the strategic road from Prague to Hradec Králové, but whose remains were destroyed during the construction of the chateau. The first written mention comes from Kosma's chronicle in 1110. but more specific information about Chlumec is first mentioned in documents dating back to 1235, when it is owned by Zdeslav of Chlumec of the Divišovce family, later Šternberk. Quiet and picturesque town at the confluence of the river Cidlina and Bystřice lies at an average altitude of 206 meters, surrounded with numerous ponds, deciduous and coniferous forests and is also lined with numerous gardens, so it is sometimes poetically called the "City in the gardens ". The name of the city is derived from the Chlum hill on which it was founded. The forerunner of the town was a settlement with a Romanesque church and a small hillfort, which had a guard function on a strategic route from Prague to Hradec Králové, but whose remains were destroyed during the construction of the castle. The first written mention comes from the Kosmas Chronicle of 1110. However, for the first time, more specific information about Chlumec was mentioned in the year 1235, when it was owned by Zdeslav of Chlumec from the Divišovci family, later Šternberks.

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