Komerční banka, bankomat

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Contact Komerční banka, bankomat

Address :

Husovo nám. 22, 269 01 pobočka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : https://www.kb.cz/cs/
Categories :
City : pobočka

Husovo nám. 22, 269 01 pobočka, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Novodobá železobetonová budova bývalé Městské spořitelny, dnes Komerční banky, stojí v západní třetině jižní strany Husova náměstí v sousedství neorenesančního rohového objektu pošty čp. 21. Velká moderní stavba, protažená hluboko do dvora, zaujímá parcely dvou zbořených domů čp. 22 a 23. Jde o zajímavou a hodnotnou ukázku konstruktivistické puristické architektury 30. let 20. století, která hmotově respektuje historickou zástavbu náměstí. Budovu se střídmě členěným průčelím projektoval F. A. Libra. The modern reinforced concrete building of the former Municipal Savings Bank, today Komerční banka, stands in the western third of the southern side of Hus Square adjacent to the neo-renaissance corner object of post No. 21. A large modern building, stretched deep into the courtyard, occupies the parcels of two demolished houses No. 22 and 23. It is an interesting and valuable demonstration of the constructivist purist architecture of the 1930s, which materially respects the historical housebuilding of the square. The building with a modestly segmented facade was designed by F. A. Libra.
The modern reinforced concrete building of the former Městská spořitelna, today Komerční banka, stands in the western third of the southern side of Husova náměstí next to the neo-Renaissance corner building of post office no. for an interesting and valuable example of constructivist purist architecture of the 1930s, which materially respects the historical buildings of the square. The building with a sparsely divided facade was designed by F. A. Libra. The modern reinforced concrete building of the former Municipal Savings Bank, today Komerční banka, stands in the western third of the southern side of Hus Square adjacent to the neo-renaissance corner object of post No. 21. A large modern building, stretched deep into the courtyard, occupies the parcels of two demolished houses No. 22 and 23. It is an interesting and valuable demonstration of the constructivist purist architecture of the 1930s, which materially respects the historical housebuilding of the square. The building with a modestly segmented facade was designed by F. A. Libra.

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