Konzultační centrum pro zdraví a dlouhověkost - Dr. Zheng

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Konzultační centrum pro zdraví a dlouhověkost - Dr. Zheng

Address :

Krátká 96, 391 37 Chotoviny, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.zheng.cz/
Categories :
City : Chotoviny

Krátká 96, 391 37 Chotoviny, Czechia
Martin Skalicka on Google

Ahojte, chodíme k Dr. Zhengovi několik let. Začalo to naším synem, kterému doktoři neuměli pomoci s otoky kolen - rychle rostl. U Dr, Zhenga za 3 měsíce bylo po otoku, za další tři měsíce mohl syn normálně chodit a nakonec se i vrátit ke sportu. Dnes k němu chodíme celá rodina a vždycky pomůže. Moc doporučuji. Martin Skalička
Hi, we're going to Dr. Zheng for several years. It started with our son, whom the doctors couldn't help with swollen knees - he was growing fast. At Dr. Zheng's in 3 months he was swollen, in the next three months his son could walk normally and eventually return to sports. Today the whole family goes to it and it always helps. I highly recommend. Martin Skalička
Valerie Slavickova on Google

Známy ma zkušenosti s timto lékařem a nemuze si ho vynachválit! Diky nemu přestal brat prasky na cukrovku a inzulin ikdyz mu doktoři řekli ze je bude muset brat do konce zivota - jeho hladina cukru se stále udržuje v normě.
I know my experience with this doctor and can't praise him! Thanks to him, his brother stopped taking diabetes pills and even if the doctors told him he would have to keep them to the end of his life - his sugar level was still normal.
Martina Oherova on Google

Jsem stastna, ze jsem ho pred vice jak rokem nahodou objevila ?Ano, je na ceske pomery pomerne drahy...ale nebyt jeho, tak pokracuju v nekolikaletem trapeni, se kterym si zapadni medicina nevedela rady. Prisla jsem za nim s otoky na celem tele( zejmena obliceji) a lehce snizenou funkci stitne zlazy. Dle zapadnich lekaru ( a ze jsem jich navstivila) jsem byla zdrava....Po cca 3-4 navstevach pana doktora Zhenga a dodrzovani jeho rad po vice jak rok jsem o 12 kilo lehci, po otocich uz temer zadna pamatka,prasky na stitnou jiz nemusim brat a citim se, a to popravde, nejlepe za svuj zivot. Ano, je to drahe a neni to jen o zobani bylinek (clovek musi dodrzovat i jeho rady co se tyce stravy/ziv. stylu.... ale ja DEKUJI jemu a za to, ze je ??
I'm happy that I discovered it more than a year ago. Yes, it's quite expensive in the Czech Republic ... but if it weren't for me, I continue in a few years of embarrassment with which Western medicine could not cope. I came for him with swelling all over my body (especially the face) and a slightly reduced function to shield the glands. According to the western doctors (and that I visited them) I was healthy .... After about 3-4 visits to Dr. Zheng and following his advice for more than a year, I am 12 kilos lighter, after the turns almost no memory, cracks on the thyroid I don't have to brother anymore and I feel, really, the best thing in my life. Yes, it's expensive and it's not just about picking herbs (one has to follow his advice regarding diet / lifestyle .... but I THANK him and for being je
Iveta Salaskova on Google

Panu doktorovi jsem vděčná za vyléčení ekzému u syna,po půl roce léčby je bez ekzému,s kterým jsme se trápily 3 roky.moc mu děkuji
I am grateful to the doctor for curing my son's eczema, after half a year of treatment he is without eczema, with which we have been worried for 3 years. Thank you very much
diddllee on Google

Oba doktoři ví co s člověkem dělat aby mu bylo lépe. Jsou ochotní a řeší příčiny problému :) už několik let je znám a vždy mi pomohli. Velké díky že jsou u nás a pomáhají lidem cítit se dobře :)
Both doctors know what to do with a person to make him feel better. They are willing and solve the causes of the problem :) I have been known for several years and they have always helped me. Many thanks for being with us and helping people feel good :)
Xedras on Google

Pan doktor mi vylecil akne,se kterym jsem se trapil nekolik let. Obchazel jsem kozni,ruzne doktory ,cpali do me prasky,masticky..nic nepomohlo ,az pan doktor vedel presne,co je se mnou a za 3 mesice lecby bylo po problemech :)
The doctor cured me of acne, which I had been struggling with for several years. I went around the goats, various doctors, they stuffed me with cracks, mastic..thatotice didn't help, and the doctor knew exactly what was wrong with me and in 3 months the treatment was after the problems :)
Sylvia Havelka on Google

total quack
lena sophia on Google

You ruined my life. You tortured me and made my life a living hell. I suffered everyday and night because of you. Because of you I was afraid to look in the mirror in the morning. Because of you I was afraid to fall asleep because I knew that the next morning there would be a new patch of eczema. Because of you I stayed inside my house instead of going to school because I was so itchy I could not focus. Because of you I had to sleep with gloves secured with wooden pins and ribbons, cutting of my blood circulation. Because of you I was always in terrible pain. You caused my eczema to not only stay but become worse. You tortured me for months and smiled and laughed at me when we would come to you. You are the most disgusting, vile person I have ever met in my life, and I am leaving this review because I hope that the next person trying to come to this fake doctor will see this review and not go. I am leaving this review to save someone else from torture.

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