kostel Panny Marie (Zvěstování Páně)

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Sbírka na charitativní činnost Svatého Otce proběhne v neděli 23. února.

Contact kostel Panny Marie (Zvěstování Páně)

Address :

nám. Arnošta z Pardubic, 250 82 Úvaly, Czechia

Website : http://www.farnost-uvaly.estranky.cz/
Categories :
City : Úvaly

nám. Arnošta z Pardubic, 250 82 Úvaly, Czechia
Martin Vorel on Google

Daniela Rounová on Google

Stanislav Zavodny on Google

Bliz bohu
Bliz bohu
Petr Flener on Google

Starý kostel,bez známek údržby,,nicméně zachovalý stav.v těsné blízkosti základní školy.
Old church, no signs of maintenance, but preserved condition in close proximity to primary school.
Karel Bílek on Google

Byli jsme zde na koncertě Komorního orchestru VOX BOHEMICA a až na zimu to bylo skvělé.
We were here at a concert of the VOX BOHEMICA Chamber Orchestra and it was great for the winter.
Eva Jordan on Google

Barokní kostel stojí na místě starší stavby a jde o nejstarší nemovitou památku Úval. U kostela najdete i sochu sv. Jana Nepomuckého.
The Baroque church stands on the site of an older building and it is the oldest real estate monument Úval. There is also a statue of St. John of Nepomuk.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Kouzelný římskokatolický farní kostel. První zmínka o předchůdci pochází už z r. 1385! (Je zmiňován jako filiální kostel pod farou v Horkách). Další zmínky máme až z 2. poloviny 17. století. Zachovaly se farářské relace z let 1677 a 1700 a zpovědní seznamy. V 70. letech 17. století byl kostel prokazatelně katolický a je označován za chrám Blahoslavené Panny Marie. The charming Roman Catholic parish church. The first mention of the predecessor dates back to 1385! (It is mentioned as a filial church under the Horke parish). We have other references since the second half of the 17th century. The pastoral sessions of 1677 and 1700 and confessional lists were preserved. In the 70s of the 17th century, the church was demonstrably Catholic and is known as the temple of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Wonderful Roman Catholic parish church. The first mention of the predecessor dates back to 1385! (It is mentioned as a branch church under the rectory in Horká). We have other references from the second half of the 17th century. Preserved parish sessions from 1677 and 1700 and confession lists. In the 1870s the church was demonstrably Catholic and is referred to as the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The charming Roman Catholic parish church. The first mention of the predecessor dates back to 1385! (It is mentioned as a filial church under the Horke parish). We have other references since the second half of the 17th century. The pastoral sessions of 1677 and 1700 and confessional lists were preserved. In the 70s of the 17th century, the church was demonstrably Catholic and is known as the Blessed Virgin Mary temple.
Věra Musilová on Google

Hezký kostel, je připomínán r. 1385.Nynější barokní podobu získal po opravě, která byla dokončena r. 1724.Hkavni oltář je barokní z roku 1720 s plastickou výzdobou že školy Matyáše B Brauna. Stojí za to se sem podívat
Nice church, is mentioned in 1385. The current Baroque form was acquired after the repair, which was completed in 1724.Hkavni altar is Baroque from 1720 with plastic decoration that the school of Matthias B Braun. It's worth a look here

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