Kostel sv. Václava

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Contact Kostel sv. Václava

Address :

Radošov 6, 362 72 Kyselka, Czechia

Website : http://www.pamatkyaprirodakarlovarska.cz/radosov-kostel-sv-vaclava/
Categories :
City : Kyselka

Radošov 6, 362 72 Kyselka, Czechia
Jana Čečrlova on Google

Petra on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Původně gotický farní kostel sv. Václava byl postaven podle návrhu neznámého architekta v 1. polovině 14. století na mírném návrší nad řekou Ohří na menší návsi uprostřed vsi Radošov. První písemná zmínka o kostele pochází z roku 1352. V době kolem roku 1768 byl kostel pozdně barokně přestavěn a v roce 1858 klasicistně upraven. Po roce 1945 války však přestal být kostel udržován a postupně chátral. V současnosti je sešlý jednolodní neorientovaný kostel v majetku občanského sdružení Radošovský most, které usiluje o jeho záchranu. Originally a Gothic parish church of St. Wenceslas was built according to the design of an unknown architect in the first half of the 14th century on a gentle hill above the Ohře river in a smaller village square of Radošov. The first written mention of the church dates back to 1352. In the period around 1768 the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style and in 1858 again, this time in the Classicist style. After 1945, however, the church ceased to be maintained and gradually deteriorated. At present, the decrepit one-nave church is owned by the civic association Radošovský most, which seeks to save it.
Originally a Gothic parish church of St. Wenceslas was built according to the design of an unknown architect in the first half of the 14th century on a gentle hill above the river Ohří on a smaller square in the middle of the village of Radošov. The first written mention of the church dates from 1352. In the period around 1768, the church was rebuilt in the late Baroque style and in 1858 it was remodeled in the Classicist style. After the war, however, the church ceased to be maintained and gradually fell into disrepair. At present, the collapsed single-nave non-oriented church is owned by the civic association Radošovský most, which seeks to save it. Originally a Gothic parish church of St. Wenceslas was built according to the design of an unknown architect in the first half of the 14th century on a gentle hill above the Ohře river in a smaller village square of Radošov. The first written mention of the church dates back to 1352. In the period around 1768 the church was rebuilt in the Baroque style and in 1858 again, this time in the Classicist style. After 1945, however, the church ceased to be maintained and gradually deteriorated. At present, the decrepit one-nave church is owned by the civic association Radošovský most, which seeks to save it.

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