Kostel svatého Václava - Velká Strana 20

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Contact Kostel svatého Václava

Address :

Velká Strana 20, 270 07 Mutějovice, Czechia

Postal code : 270
Categories :
City : Mutějovice

Velká Strana 20, 270 07 Mutějovice, Czechia
Karel Rys on Google

Michal Bezděk on Google

Lenka Berankova on Google

Petr Koldovský on Google

Gotický kostel sv. Václava pochází ze 14. století. Na počátku 18. století byl barokně přestavěn. Po požáru v roce 1806 byl kostel zrekonstruován a v roce 1841 byla nahrazena barokní báň věže jehlancovou střechou.
Gothic church of st. Wenceslas comes from the 14th century. At the beginning of the 18th century it was rebuilt in the Baroque style. After the fire in 1806 the church was reconstructed and in 1841 the baroque dome of the tower was replaced by a pyramid roof.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Svítivě bílá dominanta centra Mutějovic je zmiňována už v roce 1356 jako kostel farní. Původně gotická, později barokně přestavěná stavba byla kostelem katolickým, za revolučních bouří v 15. století přešla pod správu utrakvistů. Katolické bohoslužby byly obnoveny po třicetileté válce až v roce 1707, kdy byla u znovu vystavěného kostela zřízena fara. V roce 1766 byl kostel opravován, roku 1806 vyhořel a v roce 1809 byl přestavěn zhruba do dnešní podoby. The shining white dominance of Mutějovice center is mentioned as a parish church in 1356. Originally a Gothic, later rebuilt Baroque building was a Catholic church, during the revolutionary events of the 15th century it was under the administration of the Utraquists. The Catholic worship was restored after the Thirty Years War in 1707, when the parish office was established along with newly rebuilt church. In 1766 the church was repaired again, then it burnt down in 1806 and finally rebuilt to it´s present form in 1809.
The bright white dominant of the center of Mutějovice is mentioned as early as 1356 as a parish church. Originally a Gothic building, later rebuilt in the Baroque style, it was a Catholic church, and during the revolutionary storms in the 15th century it came under the administration of the Utraquists. Catholic services were resumed after the Thirty Years' War in 1707, when a rectory was established at the rebuilt church. In 1766 the church was repaired, in 1806 it burned down and in 1809 it was rebuilt roughly to its current form. The shining white dominance of Mutějovice center is mentioned as a parish church in 1356. Originally a Gothic, later rebuilt Baroque building was a Catholic church, during the revolutionary events of the 15th century it was under the administration of the Utraquists. The Catholic worship was restored after the Thirty Years War in 1707, when the parish office was established along with newly rebuilt church. In 1766 the church was repaired again, then it burnt down in 1806 and finally rebuilt to it´s present form in 1809.

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