Kristýna Nehtové Studio - nám. T. G. Masaryka 208/30

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kristýna Nehtové Studio

Address :

nám. T. G. Masaryka 208/30, 796 01 Prostějov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7788
Postal code : 796
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City : Prostějov

nám. T. G. Masaryka 208/30, 796 01 Prostějov, Czechia
Lucie Čejková on Google

Řasy nádherné, nehty též, obočí a pedikúra super… Všichni moc příjemný, mohu jen doporučit a ráda se budu vracet ?
Eyelashes beautiful, nails too, eyebrows and pedicure super… All very pleasant, I can only recommend and will be happy to return ?
My name is Baru on Google

Milá obsluha, velký výběr, nehty jsou hezké. Jsem velice spokojená! Úprava: I po několika měsících hodnotím 5*. Vždy krásné a kvalitní nehty!
Nice staff, great choice, nails are nice. I am very satisfied! Adjustment: Even after a few months I rate 5 *. Always beautiful and quality nails!
Terezká Cesarová on Google

Nehty mám opravdu nádherné, skvělá péče za skvělou cenu. Mohu jen doporučit. Určitě do budoucna vyzkouším i jiné služby.
I have really beautiful nails, great care for a great price. I can only recommend. I will definitely try other services in the future.
Klára Masaříková on Google

Salon jsem navstivila spolecne s kamaradkou na zaklade dobrych recenzi. Objednavala jsem nas tyden dopredu, pan mi sam do telefonu rekl, ze na domluveny cas ma volno. Po domluve jsme tedy prisli presne na cas a jeste dalsi pul hodinu cekaly nez na nas prisla rada protoze byl salon plny. Az na me teda konecne prisla rada (kamaradka stale cekala, v salonu byli 3 pracovnici) domluva s pani byla hrozna, byla sice prijemna ale porad strasne spechala a nikdy si nevyslechla az dokonce co ji chci sdelit). Domluvili jsme se tedy nejak na dlouhých nehtech ve tvaru mandlicek. Nehty byly kratke a tvar snad ani nemel nazev, nemluve o tom ze kazdy nehet byl uplne jinak dlouhy. Pri vyberu barvy mi pani misto svetlounce hnedych nehtu se zlatou udelala ruzove nehty se stribrnou barvou. To uz pro me byl vrchol. Kdyz jsem pani rikala ze jsem chtela jinou, jen me prerusila a zduraznila ZE VI CO DELA. Kamarádka na tom byla úplně stejně + se na jejich nehtech vystridali 2 lide. Ze salonu jsem odchazela s nehty ktere vypadaly jako uz mesic odrostle, byly hrbate a o tvaru a barve uz radeji vubec nemluvim. Doma jsem okamzite barvu obrousila, upravila tvar a delku, koupila lak a snazila se to nejak zachranit. Po me uprave se to uz dalo jakz takz nosit. Kamaradka hned ten den nehty obrousila pryc. Po mesici se mi konecne povedlo me nehty dat pryc ale to jake prekvapeni me cekalo pod nima. Me prirodni nehty v sobe mely (do ted maji cca 2,5 mesice po sundani) hluboke ryhy ktere ovsem hrozne bolely a cely nehet byl kompletne zniceny. Tak znicene nehty jsem jeste nikdy z zadneho salonu nemela. Salon KRISTINA rozhodne nedoporucuji. Za me nevkus a odflakla prace. I za tu cenu.
I visited the salon together with a friend based on good reviews. I ordered us a week in advance, Mr. told me on the phone that I had time off at the agreed time. After the agreement, we arrived just in time and waited another half hour before we were glad because the salon was full. So it finally came to me (my friend was still waiting, there were 3 workers in the salon) the agreement with the lady was terrible, she was pleasant but she hurried the meeting and never listened to it and even what I want to tell her). So we agreed somehow on long nails in the shape of almonds. The nails were short and the shape probably didn't even have a name, not to mention that each nail was completely different. When choosing the color, the lady made pink nails with a silver color instead of light brown nails with gold. That was the highlight for me. When I said to the lady that I wanted another one, she just interrupted me and emphasized ZE VI CO DELA. My friend was exactly the same + 2 people took turns on their nails. I left the salon with nails that looked like they had grown for months, were bumpy and I'd rather not talk about shape and color at all. At home, I immediately sanded the paint, adjusted the shape and length, bought the varnish and tried to save it somehow. After my adjustment, it was already possible to wear it. The friend rubbed her nails that day. After a month, I finally managed to put my nails away, but what a surprise was waiting for me under them. My natural nails had deep lines (until now they have about 2.5 months after removal), which, however, hurt terribly and the whole nail was completely destroyed. I have never had such destroyed nails from the back salon. I definitely do not recommend Salon KRISTINA. Taste for me and the work went away. Even for that price.
Alice Travnickova on Google

Na základě přečtených kladných recenzí jsem dnes salon navštívila a jsem opravdu moc spokojená. Tak krásné nehty jsem od Vietnamců nečekala.Hlavně žádný akryl a navíc si s tím pán přímo vyhrál, je vidět že ho ta práce baví. Musím pochválit jejich češtinu. Za mě top ?
Based on the positive reviews I have visited the salon today and I am really satisfied. I did not expect such beautiful nails from the Vietnamese. Mainly no acrylic and moreover, the gentleman directly won, you can see that he enjoys the work. I have to praise their Czech. For me top ?
Thuy Dinh Thi on Google

Šulcová Ivana on Google

Top salon v Prostějov
Garabedia Béa on Google

It was just perfect, I have never seen a perfect work like that! And the most important is the kindness and the professionalism of the employees! My nails join me to thank you!

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