Kuchyně Chábera

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Kuchyně Chábera

Address :

Dr. Milady Horákové 185/66 460 07, 7 Liberec, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7778
Website : https://www.kuchynemch.cz/
Categories :
City : Liberec

Dr. Milady Horákové 185/66 460 07, 7 Liberec, Czechia
Sarka Buresova on Google

Kateřina Cháberová on Google

Jan Maňhal on Google

Petr Vacek on Google

Velmi ochotná obsluha
Very helpful staff
Ondřej Šturma on Google

Paní Cháberová je ochitná, nové studio s hezkými kuchyněmi, veljé zkušenosti ve výrobě nábytku.
Mrs. Cháberová is a new, new studio with nice kitchens, great experience in furniture production.
Lenka Ch. on Google

Druhá zakázka a opět naprostá spokojenost. Perfektní přístup, bezproblémová komunikace, skvěle odvedená čistá práce.
The second order and again complete satisfaction. Perfect approach, trouble-free communication, great clean work.
ZK on Google

U této firmy jsem si nechal vyrobit atypickou kuchyň do garsoniery. Renomované a dvakrát dražší kuchyńské firmy si na to netroufly. Pan Chábera vše vyřešil k naprosté spokojenosti. Kuchyně je přímo výstavní. Poté mi vyrobili i složité police na křivé zdi do obývacího pokoje. Vše na jedničku. PROFESIONÁLOVÉ. VŘELE DOPORUČUJI!
At this company I have made atypical kitchen in the studio. Renowned and twice as expensive kitchen companies did not dare. Mr Chábera solved everything to the utmost satisfaction. The kitchen is directly exhibition. Then they made me complicated shelves on the crooked wall into the living room. Everything goes well. PROFESSIONALS. I WARMLY RECOMMEND!
Yosif on Google

We walked in today looking for a kitchen and I have had a great experience. The lady that helped us plan our kitchen was very professional and friendly. They good quality custom furniture, mostly kitchens. We were promised an email for the quote and it was promptly delivered. Great customer service!

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