Kulturní dům Svět

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Kulturní dům Svět Český Brod - Kdsvet.cvik.info

Carmen a flamenco

čtvrtek 29. září 2022

NOVÝ TERMÍN - španělský večer zasvěcený částem opery Carmen a španělské taneční muzice Flamenco, v podání české mezzosopranistky a kytarového dua.

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Contact Kulturní dům Svět

Address :

Krále Jiřího 332, 282 01 Český Brod, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website : https://kdsvet.cvik.info/
Categories :
City : Český Brod

Krále Jiřího 332, 282 01 Český Brod, Czechia
Vladimír Váchal on Google

Velice pěkné místo s příjemnou atmosférou a různorodým kulturním programem.
Very nice place with a pleasant atmosphere and a diverse cultural program.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Tuhle pěknou budovu jsem míjel až cestou na vlakové nádraží. Je trochu uklizená z centra, což mi ale v tomto případě příjde příhodné (větší koncentrace lidí ve večerních hodinách, zvýšená úroveň hluku). Jak jsem se dozvěděl, místní budově stále říkají kino Svět, protože léta sloužila k promítání filmů. Naposledy se tu promítalo v červnu 2013 na původní promítačce z roku 1947. Během léta 2013 proběhla částečná rekonstrukce sálu a kino se změnilo na multifunkční prostor, kde se dnes hraje divadlo a pořádají koncerty. Nový interiér vznikal podle návrhu místního architekta Josefa Němečka. I passed this nice building on the way to the train station. It is a bit hidden from the town center, which in this case seems convenient to me (higher concentration of people in the evening, increased noise level). As I learned, the local building is still called "Cinema Svět" because it has been used to screen movies for years. It was last screened here in June 2013 on the original projector from 1947. During the summer of 2013, a partial reconstruction of the hall took place and the cinema was transformed into a multifunctional space, where theater and concerts are held today. The new interior was designed by local architect Josef Němeček.
I passed this nice building on the way to the train station. It is a bit tidy from the center, which in this case seems convenient to me (higher concentration of people in the evening, increased noise level). As I learned, the local building is still called Cinema World because it has been used to screen movies for years. It was last screened here in June 2013 on the original projector from 1947. During the summer of 2013, a partial reconstruction of the hall took place and the cinema was transformed into a multifunctional space, where theater and concerts are held today. The new interior was designed by local architect Josef Němeček. I passed this nice building on the way to the train station. It is a bit hidden from the town center, which in this case seems convenient to me (higher concentration of people in the evening, increased noise level). As I learned, the local building is still called "Cinema World" because it has been used to screen movies for years. It was last screened here in June 2013 on the original projector from 1947. During the summer of 2013, a partial reconstruction of the hall took place and the cinema was transformed into a multifunctional space, where theater and concerts are held today. The new interior was designed by local architect Josef Němeček.
Lenka Volencová on Google

Kino moc hezky zrekonstruované, jen kdyby diváci byli ukáznění, někteří stále bohužel nevědí, jak se chovat.
Cinema very nicely renovated, only if the audience was disciplined, some still unfortunately do not know how to behave.
Lenka Chamradová on Google

Byla jsem v kině na začátku března. Všechno dobrý, akorát mi v sále byla trošku zima.
I was at the cinema in early March. All right, I was just a little cold in the hall.
Roman Laška on Google

Multifunkci sal, zatahovaci hlediste pro cca 1/3 sedicich, zbytek zidle v jedne urovni. Vsude cisto (i na zachodech). Obcas tu clovek narazi na koncert Top umelcu.
Multifunctional hall, retractable auditorium for about 1/3 of the seat, the rest of the chair in one level. Clean everywhere (even in the toilets). Sometimes a person comes across a Top Artist concert.
Jaroslava Pánková on Google

Úzké sedačky a nedá se opřít hlava po delší době nepříjemné. Jinak příjemné a čisté prostředí, šatna na odložení kabátu, je to super... Uvnitř kavárna otevřená před filmem po skončení už ne, škoda.
Narrow seats and can not rest your head after a long uncomfortable time. Otherwise, a pleasant and clean environment, a cloakroom to store the coat, it's great ... Inside, the cafe open in front of the film after the end is no longer a pity.
Milan Frola on Google

Great location near train station, comfortable chairs and nicr staff.
Pavel Srb on Google

Lovely, brand new, cafeteria, cinema. Just nearby the train station, easy to reach even from Prague city center.

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