La Formaggeria Gran Moravia

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Formaggeria Gran Moravia

Address :

Cimburkova 4, 612 00 Brno-Královo Pole, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77898
Website :
Categories :
City : Brno Královo Pole

Cimburkova 4, 612 00 Brno-Královo Pole, Czechia
Jan Bábek on Google

Produkty společnosti Gran Moravia kupuji často. Jsou kvalitní a chutné o tom není pochyb. Co se týče této konkrétní pobočky tak poslední rok jde od 10 k 5 a nyní ještě níž. Dřív jsem sem chodil rád, obsluha bývala vřelá, přesto slušná a profesionální, automaticky se ptala na věci např. na jakou tloušťku chci nakrájet danou uzeninu atd.. Postupem času už byl přístup vlažnější ale OK. Po mé, na této pobočce poslední návštěvě 16.11. už jsem ale odešel znechucený...3 zaměstnanci, bez organizace a pomalí což by mi nevadilo, nicméně paní ve středních letech s krátkým sestřihem tomu nasadila korunu. Zaprvé se chovala celkem nehezky ke slečně která se zde zaučovala, až mi jí bylo líto. Ke mě se chovala dost familiérně, byla zmatená, několikrát jsem ji musel opakovat co si objednávám a co mě naštvalo: Objednám si velkou bagetu paní se mi snaží vnutit to, že mi ji rozlomí, protože nemáte v Gran Moravii velké sáčky. Jelikož by mi bageta seschla do doby než ji budeme jíst, poprosil jsem paní aby mi bagetu nelámala a dala mi to do dvou sáčků. Paní po mě skoro vyjela se slovy: ,,No tak to sem přesně nechtěla"! Šetříme lesy!" a neochotně mi bagetu dala do dvou sáčků. Poté už se se mnou nebavila ani mi neodpověděla na pozdrav...Neskutečné...Takto neprofesionální a arogantní přístup bych u vás v Gran Moravii nečekal...zvlášť k cenám a kvalitě vámi prodávaných potravin.
I often buy Gran Moravia products. They are of good quality and delicious no doubt about it. As for this particular branch, the last year goes from 10 to 5 and now even lower. Previously, I liked coming here, the staff used to be warm, yet decent and professional, automatically asked questions such as what thickness I want to cut the sausage, etc. Over time, the approach was lukewarm but OK. After my last visit at this branch 16.11. but I left disgusted ... 3 employees, no organization and slow which would not bother me, but the lady in the middle with a short haircut put it on the crown. First, she was quite unkind to the lady who was learning here until I was sorry. She was very familiar with me, she was confused, I had to repeat it several times what I ordered and what upset me: I order a big baguette lady trying to force me to break it because you do not have large bags in Gran Moravia. Since my baguette would dry until we eat it, I asked the lady not to break my baguette and put it in two bags. The lady almost came after me, saying, "Well, I didn't exactly want it here!" We're saving the woods! " and reluctantly put my baguette in two bags. After that she did not talk to me or answer my greeting ... Unreal ... Such unprofessional and arrogant approach I would not expect in Gran Moravia ... especially on the prices and quality of the food you sell.
Petra Batelkova on Google

Naprosto luxusní sýry,pečivo,uzeniny,mléčné výrobky a víno. Příjemný a ochotný personál ?? Doporučuji...
Absolutely luxurious cheeses, pastries, cold cuts, dairy products and wine. Friendly and helpful staff ?? I recommend ...
Jan Štefan on Google

Obsluha moc prijemna, nakupovani je jedna radost. Vyber je siroky, potraviny kvalitni a chutne, jak syry, salamy i pecivo. Pri kazde navsteve nevim co si vzit driv. Proste parada :)
The service is very pleasant, shopping is one joy. Choose from wide, high-quality and tasty food, such as cheese, salamis and pastries. I don't know what to take with each visit. Free parade :)
martin herban on Google

Tomáš Lesák on Google

The best milk products (especially cheese) and nice staff.
Daniel Santos on Google

The only good place to buy cheese in brno
Eugen Negru on Google

Most polite vendor I have ever interacted with. And of course, the quality of all products here. Will re-visit for sure.
Matouš Vrchota on Google

Very nice farmer's product selection. Nice ladies behind counter. Higher prices, but great quality. I like prepared gift baskets and packages, suit can just choose from few kinds. You need to try farmer's butter. Definitely worth visiting and buying some stuff.

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