La Formaggeria Gran Moravia

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact La Formaggeria Gran Moravia

Address :

Litovel 98, 784 01 Litovel, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Litovel

Litovel 98, 784 01 Litovel, Czechia
Bretislav Elias on Google

Parádní prodavačky. Paní poradí a jsou vždy ochotně a příjemné. Co vím tak velice dobré ceny.
Great saleswomen. The lady will advise and they are always willing and pleasant. What I know is so very good prices.
Miroslav Frodl on Google

Velmi dobře zasobená podniková prodejna. Příjemný personál, který vždy dokáže poradit.
Very well stocked corporate store. Friendly staff who can always advise.
Libuše “Lihunka” Hynková on Google

Kvalitní a chuťově výborné potraviny ???
Quality and delicious food ???
Tomas Podola on Google

Výborné tvrdé i měkké sýry a mléčné výrobky přímo v podnikové prodejně ! Mají zde asi falešné máslo? - voní, má hezkou barvu, je chutné a jde namazat i ztuhlé - což se mi u běžně kupovaného másla nestává. Ceny zde nejsou hypermarketové, avšak kvalita je rozhodně vysoká.
Excellent hard and soft cheeses and dairy products directly in the company store! They probably have fake butter here - it smells, has a nice color, is tasty and can be smeared and solidified - which does not happen to me with commonly bought butter. Prices here are not hypermarkets, but the quality is definitely high.
Zen Macha on Google

Martin Sklenář on Google

Top ????
Mauro Bonera on Google

Cheese very good and factory very clean
Dendrym on Google

You would think that shop in production plant would be better supplied with goods produced there than shops in Prague. And you would be wrong. But I believe this is due to low turnover given location, region, and prices/earnings discrepancy for a local region. Good if you are around and want to buy better quality grocery than in regular shops when you are around

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