Lapidárium Budyně nad Ohří - Lapidárium Budyně nad Ohří

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Contact Lapidárium Budyně nad Ohří

Address :

411 18 Budyně nad Ohří, Czechia

Postal code : 411
Categories :
City : Budyně nad Ohří

411 18 Budyně nad Ohří, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Pokud se před, či po prohlídce vydáte na procházku kolem hradu a zbytků jeho působivého opevnění, v severní části nádvoří (v proluce mezi obrannými zdmi) narazíte na zdejší "mini" lapidárium. Nechal jej zřídit místní starosta Ing. Petr Medáček. Pod širou oblohou tu najdete starobylé kamenné plastiky se zaniklých a poškozených objektů z města Budyně nad Ohří. Lapidárium je volně přístupné veřejnosti. Jsou tu vystavena například Boží muka, socha svaté Barbory, do stěny opevnění je vsazen šlechtický náhrobek, dále tu najdete třeba sochu sv. Karla Boromejského, židovský náhrobek, sv. Jana Nepomuckého, či sochu lvíčka. I přesto, že sbírka čítá jen pár exponátů, jde o pěkné a zajímavé místo. Jen by nebylo špatné opravit informační štítky a pokud možno doplnit data o původu objektů a jejich historie (pokud jsou známé). If you go for a walk around the castle and the remnants of its impressive fortifications, in the northern part of the courtyard (in the gap between defensive walls), you can visit the local "mini" lapidarium. It was set up by the local Mayor Ing. Petr Medáček. Under the wide sky you can find ancient stone sculptures formerly belonging to defunct and damaged buildings from the town of Budyně nad Ohří. The Lapidarium is open to the public. You can find here for example Calvary, the statue of St. Barbora, an aristocratic tombstone is placed in the wall of the fortification, there is also a statue of St. Karel Boromejský, Jewish tombstone, St. Jan Nepomuk, or the statue of a lion. Even though the collection contains only a few exhibits, it is a nice and interesting place. But it would be fine to correct the information labels and to add more data about the origin of the objects and their history (if known).
If you go for a walk around the castle and the remains of its impressive fortifications before or after the tour, in the northern part of the courtyard (in the gap between the defensive walls) you will come across the local "mini" lapidarium. It was set up by the local mayor Ing. Petr Medáček. Under the wide sky you will find ancient stone sculptures with extinct and damaged buildings from the town of Budyně nad Ohří. The lapidary is open to the public. There are, for example, the Passion of God, a statue of St. Barbara, a noble tombstone inserted into the wall of the fortification, and you will also find a statue of St. Karel Boromejský, Jewish tombstone, St. John of Nepomuk, or a statue of a lion. Even though the collection has only a few exhibits, it is a nice and interesting place. It would just not be wrong to correct the information labels and, if possible, add data on the origin of objects and their history (if they are known). If you go for a walk around the castle and the remnants of its impressive fortifications, in the northern part of the courtyard (in the gap between defensive walls), you can visit the local "mini" lapidarium. It was set up by the local Mayor Ing. Petr Medáček. Under the wide sky you can find ancient stone sculptures formerly belonging to defunct and damaged buildings from the town of Budyně nad Ohří. The Lapidarium is open to the public. You can find here for example Calvary, the statue of St. Barbora, an aristocratic tombstone is placed in the wall of the fortification, there is also a statue of St. Barbora. Karel Boromejský, Jewish tombstone, St. Jan Nepomuk, or the statue of a lion. Even though the collection contains only a few exhibits, it is a nice and interesting place. But it would be fine to correct the information labels and to add more data about the origin of the objects and their history (if known).

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