Lázeňská Cukrárna - Karlova Studánka 8

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lázeňská Cukrárna

Address :

Karlova Studánka 8, 793 24 Karlova Studánka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 793
Website : http://www.horskelazne.cz/lazenska-cukrarna
Categories :
City : Karlova Studánka

Karlova Studánka 8, 793 24 Karlova Studánka, Czechia
nik do on Google

Cukrarna vypadala na pohled hezky, tak jsme se sem docela tesily. Bohuzel nas zkusenost velice zklamala. Zakusky i kava byly v poradku, ale obsluha byla velice arogantni a neprijemna. Pani nemela moc penez na vraceni, coz jsem dokazala pochopit, ale misto klidneho oznameni na me zacala kvuli tomu skoro az kricet. Na stole, kam jsme si sedly, lezelo spinave nadobi po ostatnich. Limonada, kterou jsem si dala, byla vlazna, protoze jim schazelo nekolik ingredienci. Do toho mi jeste tykala, coz mi pripadalo neslusne. Tento zazitek mi asi stacil.
The confectionery looked nice, so we were pretty happy here. Unfortunately, our experience was very disappointing. The dishes and coffee were fine, but the service was very arrogant and unpleasant. The lady didn't have much money to return, which I was able to understand, but instead of a quiet announcement, she started me almost thirty or so. On the table where we sat, the others were crawling. The lemonade I had was lukewarm because they lacked several ingredients. I was still involved, which seemed rude to me. This experience was probably enough for me.
Karolína Plajerová on Google

Zmrzlina dobrá, káva ucházející ani na tácku s vodou jsme ji nedostali, lázeňská limonáda strašná-nenachlazená, Bezva limči tam nebyl ani panák. Že palačinky, které jsou napsané v jídelním lístku nejsou, je v pořádku, ale ani nenabídnout náhradu..Obsluha nepříjemná, neochotná. Tykání mi nepřijde i přes věkový rozdíl jako úctihodné chování. Znovu už nepřijdeme.
Good ice cream, we didn't even get coffee on a tray of water, the spa lemonade was terrible - not cold, Bezva limči was not even a shot. That the pancakes that are written on the menu are not okay, but do not even offer a replacement .. The service is unpleasant, reluctant. Touching doesn't seem like a respectable behavior to me despite the age difference. We won't come again.
Martin Kase on Google

Vůbec to není nejhorší. Borůvkový koláč byl čerstvý a chuť naprosto v pořádku. Zákusky a koláče si zde vyrábí sami a je to znát. Cappuccinu a espressu nebylo co vytknout, škoda, že nedávají ke kávě vodu (moc to nestojí, ale potěší to a v provozovně s domácí výrobou, bych takovou drobnost očekával). Domácí limonády byly velice chutné a osvěžila. Obsluha jak u pokladny, tak při donesení objednaných nápojů byla v pohodě, ačkoliv zahrádka se již naplnila a u pokladny stála fronta?.
It's not the worst at all. The blueberry pie was fresh and the taste was perfectly fine. He makes his own desserts and cakes here, and you know it. There was nothing to complain about the cappuccino and espresso, it's a pity that they don't give water to the coffee (it doesn't cost much, but it will please and in a home-made establishment, I would expect such a trifle). The homemade lemonades were very tasty and refreshed. The staff both at the cash register and when bringing the ordered drinks were fine, although the garden was already full and there was a queue at the cash register.
Sára Leskovjanová on Google

Buď jsme měli štěstí, nebo se obsluha chová podle chování zákazníka. ? Ale za nás 5 členů expedice "hon za zákusky" dáváme slečně Petře za barem 12 hvězdiček z 10. ⭐ ? Velice ochotná, vtipná, usměvavá a trpělivá při našem výběru. Zákusky i po dvou dnech velice chutné, kafe výborné a prostředí moc pěkné. Rozhodně doporučuji. ?
We were either lucky or the staff behaves according to the customer's behavior. ? But for us 5 members of the "hunt for desserts" expedition, we give Miss Petra 12 stars out of 10 behind the bar. ⭐ ? Very helpful, funny, smiling and patient in our selection. Desserts even after two days very tasty, coffee excellent and environment very nice. I definitely recommend. ?
Franz Dürer on Google

Cheaky waitress
Josef Vlček on Google

Super ?
Michal Gábriš on Google

Great home made desserts.
Patrik Beck on Google

Servis was on a super high level, low prices. The ice latte and icecream tasted fantastic.

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