Lekarna Neopharm - Štefánikova 338

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lekarna Neopharm

Address :

Štefánikova 338, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia

Postal code : 150
Website : http://www.neopharm.cz/
Categories :
City : Praha 5 Smíchov

Štefánikova 338, 150 00 Praha 5-Smíchov, Czechia
Dominik Kolman on Google

Klasická lékárna, personál byl příjemný a rád poradil ohledně cen a alternativ léků.
A classic pharmacy, the staff was friendly and happy to advise on prices and drug alternatives.
Adela Vaculikova on Google

Bohužel jsem byla zklamána velmi nepříjemným personálem..teda aspoň s jednou konkrétní paní lékárnící zde pracující, která jž po několikáté se chovala docela neslušně až drze..
Unfortunately, I was disappointed by very unpleasant staff ... at least with one particular lady pharmacist working here, who behaved quite indecently for a number of times.
Rolls Bros on Google

Upravte si otevírací dobu, pak hodnocení upravím.
Adjust your opening hours, then I will adjust the rating.
Jan Pospíšil on Google

Byl jsem zde 2x a 2x nemeli to co jsem shanel.
I was here twice and they didn't have what I wanted twice.
Filip Lachmann on Google

Za minutu pět, den před svátkem? Smůla, nikdo vám neotevře. Bendovy kapky sice jinde nevedou, ale co už.
Five minutes, the day before the holiday? Bad luck, no one will open it for you. Bend's drops don't lead anywhere else, but what else.
Pavol Travnik on Google

Kontinualne mam nejake komentare od lekarniku a nevrly pristup. Ted to dokonali tim, ze mi neprodaji modafen, protoze jsem slovak. Kdyz jsem se ohradil, ze co je to za nesmysl, kdyz jsme v EU, bez spetky sebereflexe jsem dostal dalsi sprchu.
Continuously I have some comments from the pharmacist and grumpy approach. Now they have done it by not telling me modafen because I am Slovak. When I objected to what nonsense it was when we were in the EU, I got another shower without much self-reflection.
Vojtěch Votýpka on Google

Místo lascivní úvodní fotografie bych uvítal prezenci reálné otevírací doby a upravil tu, co třeba uvádí Google. Dnes jsem v potu tváře dorazil zcela zbytečně...
Instead of a lascivious introductory photo, I would welcome the presence of real opening hours and adjust what Google says. Today I arrived in the sweat of my face completely unnecessarily ...
Katka Očovská on Google

Pani lekarnice me poucovala, ze mam rici svemu zamestnavateli, at mi vymeni benefit kartu, protoze stavajici nema cip a pro ni je moc prace zadavat 9 cisel z karty. Kdyz jsem ji rekla, ze nase firma je obrovska a nemam v ni takove slovo, odpovedela, ze se priste muze stat, ze mi ji nevezme. To vazne? Ach jo.
The pharmacist instructed me that I should tell my employer to exchange my benefit card, because the builder does not have a chip and it is too much work for her to enter 9 numbers from the card. When I told her that our company was huge and I had no such word in it, she replied that it might happen that she would not take it from me. Really? Oh no.

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