
5/5 based on 3 reviews

Contact Live4Life

Address :

Roháčova 145, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777978
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Opening hours :
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
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Categories :
City : Praha 3 Žižkov

Roháčova 145, 130 00 Praha 3-Žižkov, Czechia
Lukas Zalejsky on Google

David Kropacek on Google

Tomas Dubac on Google

Cvičil som s Martinom 3 mesiace. Potreboval som poriadne nakopnúť do zadku. Raz som mu poslal email a behom toho istého dňa mi ešte zavolal. Hovoril so mnou viac než 30 minút o mojich cieľoch a štýlu tréningu. Rozhodol som sa teda začať navštevovať jeho tréningy okamžite. Cvičenie bolo vždy náročné a zároveň zábavné. Každý krát sme cvičili niečo iné a cítil som výsledky takmer okamžite. Martin je veľmi znalý, priateľský, profesionálny a inteligentný. Vždy ma prekvapuje s akým záujmom sa venuje svojmu podnikaniu. Okrem silového tréningu ma požiadal či si môžem fotiť pokroky, alebo moju stravu. Veľmi ma podporoval v mojom snažení, hlavne keď máte dni keď sa vám nič nechce. Vďaka.
I trained with Martin for 3 months. I needed to kick my ass. I sent him an email once and called me again the same day. He spoke to me for more than 30 minutes about my goals and style of training. So I decided to start attending his training immediately. Exercise has always been challenging and fun at the same time. Every time we did something different and I felt the results almost immediately. Martin is very knowledgeable, friendly, professional and intelligent. I am always surprised at the interest in his business. In addition to strength training, he asked me if I could take pictures of my progress or my diet. He supported me very much in my efforts, especially when you have days when you don't want anything. Thanks.

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