Lookout Tower Bridge Soumarský

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lookout Tower Bridge Soumarský

Address :

384 51 Volary, Czechia

Website : https://www.autovylet.cz/rozhledna-soumarsky-most-je-na-zdejsim-raselinisti/
Categories :
City : Volary

384 51 Volary, Czechia
toomas abetito on Google

Pěkná dřevěná stavba; Nenáročné okolí pro krátký výlet po rovině. Ne všude v okolí jsou zpevněné cesty; U Teplé Vltavy lze vidět stromy, poškozené bobry.
Nice wooden building; Easy surroundings for a short trip on the plain. Not all around are paved roads; Trees damaged by beavers can be seen by the Teplá Vltava.
Marie Rachůnková on Google

Nejklidnější slať na Šumavě. Moc hezká procházka.
The quietest moor in Šumava. Very nice walk.
Thomas Rohlik on Google

Vyhlídka, která je součástí rašeliniště, se nachází uprostřed okružní cesty rašeliništěm které je dostupné bez poplatku. Cesta k rozhledně je tedy komplikovanější a díky tomu cestu s kočárkem rozhodně nedoporučuji. I tak Vás to moc mrzet nemusí, protože z rozhledny není zajímavý výhled, je spíše podprůměrný.
The lookout, which is part of the peat bog, is located in the middle of a round trip through the peat bog which is available free of charge. The path to the lookout tower is therefore more complicated and thanks to that I definitely do not recommend the path with a pram. Even so, you don't have to regret it, because there is no interesting view from the lookout tower, it is rather below average.
Jiri Obruca on Google

Pred par lety nova, ted uz napul neschudna trasa. Chodniky konci v hlubokem bahne a navstevnici si musi hledat cesty sussim raselinistem. Rozhodne nedoporucuji pro kocarky ci osoby se snizenou pohyblivosti.
A few years ago, now the impulsive route has set off. The sidewalks end in deep mud and the visitor has to find his way through a dry raselinist. Definitely not recommended for strollers or people with reduced mobility.
Michal Přenosil on Google

Pěkná procházka rašeliništěm s naučnou stezkou.
Nice walk through the peat bog with a nature trail.
Simi Patočková on Google

Krasne misto, doporucujeme navstivit, prosli jsme naucnou stezku, teren byl zmrzly, ale to nam nevadilo, fajn vyhled na rozhledne.
Beautiful place, we recommend to visit, we passed the nature trail, the terrain was frozen, but we did not mind, nice view of the lookout tower.
Petr Flener on Google

Rozhledna je součástí polo přírodního soumarskeho rašelinište, do nedávna se zde těžilo.rozhedna měří jen deset metrů ale okolí a naučná stezka je hezká a poučná. Doporučuji repelent! "
The observation tower is part of a semi-natural marshland peat bog, until recently it has been mined here only ten meters but the surroundings and nature trail are pretty and instructive. I recommend repellent! "
Petr Litera on Google

Forget the tower itself. It is the peat (bog) place this is all about. THe tower can help to see the larger area but the beauty of the place is in the plants, animlas and insects, landscape and the history so much similar to my beloved Irish moorlands. I was glad to see that all the history was very much alike under the same conditions.

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