Lučina river meanders - Lučina river meanders

4.5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Lučina river meanders

Address :

736 01 Havířov, Czechia

Postal code : 736
Categories :
City : Havířov

736 01 Havířov, Czechia
Iveta Liberdova on Google

Tohle místo má poezii i v zimě.
This place has poetry even in winter.
Kristen Boykewich Walker on Google

Ač jde o přírodní památku, rozhodně to tady tak nevypadá. Jsou tam místa, kde se stýkají podivné existence, které po sobě zanechávají odpadky, jedna část je totálně rozrytá od ježdění na kolech a pokud se chce člověk projít, tak to moc dobře nejde. Bylo by fajn, kdyby město něco investovalo do ochrany této jinak krásné přírody.
Although it is a natural monument, it certainly does not look like that here. There are places where strange existences meet, which leave garbage behind, one part is totally engraved from cycling, and if you want to walk, it doesn't go very well. It would be nice if the city invested something in the protection of this otherwise beautiful nature.
Pavel Modr on Google

Gamer505CZ :-D :-D on Google

Petr Holek on Google

Van Dal on Google

Nice walk next to the river.
Pablo Latets on Google

i have basicaly grew up there with open fire, grilling sausages and having fun with friends.
Lucy Nemci on Google

It was nice, but there was some weird guy who was watching us while we were swimming...

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