MALINA - Safety Ltd.

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MALINA - Safety Ltd.

Address :

Luční 1391/11, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
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Categories :
City : Jablonec nad Nisou

Luční 1391/11, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechia
Luboš Novotný on Google

Na téma bourání ruiny zámečku Skutečný majitel by měl mít právo nakládat se svým majetkem. Tady to skoro ale vypadá jako kdyby byl pan Malina jakýsi nájemník v područí státu. Za mě osobně ten cirkus, co vidíme jen jasně ukazuje, že se tady od revoluce znovu vylíhla nějaká nová verze centrálně plánované ekonomiky. Vnější nezainteresované subjekty se tady běžně zúčastňují jednání o cizím majetku předstírajíc, že mají legitimní právo mluvit do záležitostí dalších lidí. Těm, kteří stojí v tomto sporu stojí na straně nelegitimní autority bych přál trochu víc rozumu a rozvahy. Možná i vám se už někdy stalo, že jste chtěli něco udělat, zlepšit, nebo vytvořit a někdo jiný komu jste nijak neubližovali vám od začátku jen házel klacky pod nohy. Chovejme se prosím jako autonomní bytosti a starejme se sami o sebe - do záležitostí jiných lidí nám nic není!
The theme of demolishing the castle ruins The beneficial owner should have the right to dispose of his property. Here it almost looks like Mr. Malina is a kind of tenant in the hands of the state. For me personally, the circus we see only clearly shows that a new version of a centrally planned economy has hatched here since the revolution. Outside stakeholders are normally involved in negotiations on foreign property, pretending to have a legitimate right to speak into other people's affairs. To those who stand in this dispute stand on the side of illegitimate authority, I wish a little more reason and deliberation. Maybe even you are ever happened that you wanted to do something to improve or create and anyone else who does not hurt you to you from the start just throwing sticks under his feet. Please behave as autonomous beings and take care of ourselves - we are nothing about other people's affairs!
Zocker1433 on Google

All they do is illegal destroying of old mansions...
Ondřej Kopečný on Google

Owner of this company is a complete idiot, I strongly advise against any collaboration.
Jiří Jankele on Google

Realiable company with long tradition and strong attitude in development. The company is growing in a good way and it's pleasure to cooperate with.
Róbert Fekete on Google

I'm working with their products almost 10 years and I can tell those are really good. They are developing continuously and became better and better. Good products and affordable prices.
Vítězslav Puc on Google

Reliable company with a long tradition since 1990. Distributor of branded welding equipment with delivery the next day throughout the Czech Republic. Manufacturer of the CleanAIR breathing protection.
Roderick PINTO NEVILLE on Google

We have been selling Malina products in Spain and Portugal probably for more than 20 years now and are very proud of Malina´s products. High quality for a great price. To our knowledge one of the best PAPR manufacturer in the world. Experience, technical knowledge and fullfilment of standards are a warranty for the user that Malina´s products are not just safe but also offer the best comfort. A huge range of product for all needs with a great team behind. Thank you for beeing there.
Nick Farmer on Google

Just wanted to give a shout out to the team at Malina Safety all the way from one of your smaller markets in New Zealand. We've been dealing with Malina for almost 10 years, fantastic company to deal with great quality product and customer service. Thank you.

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