Mateřská škola Chaberáček

4.5/5 based on 2 reviews

Contact Mateřská škola Chaberáček

Address :

Protilehlá 235, 184 00 Praha-Dolní Chabry, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website :
Categories :
City : Praha Dolní Chabry

Protilehlá 235, 184 00 Praha-Dolní Chabry, Czechia
Bafbaf66 on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Mateřskou školu Chaberáček najdete v oblasti starší vilové zástavby v blízkosti lesoparku. Samo zařízení je umístěno v budově, která dříve sloužila jako rodinný dům. Po několika stavebních úpravách pak získala budova podobu dnešní trojtřídní mateřské školky. Poslední rekonstrukce byla realizována v roce 2014. Prostor má kapacitu 69 dětí a povětšinou je zaplněn na maximum. Kindergarten "Chaberáček" can be found in the area of an older residential area near the forest park. The facility itself is located in a building that used to be a family house. After a few building modifications, the building was given the appearance of today's three-class kindergarten. The last reconstruction was carried out in 2014. The space has a capacity of 69 children and is mostly filled to the maximum.
You will find the Chaberáček Kindergarten in the area of ​​older residential buildings near the forest park. The facility itself is located in a building that previously served as a family house. After several construction modifications, the building acquired the appearance of today's three-class kindergarten. The last reconstruction was carried out in 2014. The space has a capacity of 69 children and is usually filled to the maximum. Kindergarten "Chaberáček" can be found in the area of ​​an older residential area near the forest park. The facility itself is located in a building that used to be a family house. After a few building modifications, the building was given the appearance of today's three-class kindergarten. The last reconstruction was carried out in 2014. The space has a capacity of 69 children and is mostly filled to the maximum.

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