Matouš Landa - Autoškola a Motoškola - Kolín III

5/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Matouš Landa - Autoškola a Motoškola

Address :

Žižkova 103, Kolín III, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +798
Postal code : 280
Website :
Categories :
City : Kolín

Žižkova 103, Kolín III, 280 02 Kolín, Czechia
The BOSS on Google

Radka Nováková on Google

Petr Saska on Google

Nedávno jsem se zúčastnil kurzu v motoškole, zaměřeného na nový způsob zkoušení žáků v autoškolách, musím napsat, že jsem rozhodně své účasti nelitoval. Shodou okolností to bylo mé první letošní svezení, o to více mě to obohatilo. Chtěl bych vyzdvihnout i Matoušův přístup, kdy ač na invalidním vozíku a s ortézou, ale i tak dával do výcviku maximální úsilí. Doporučuji každému, kdo se chce zdokonalit, myslím, že si každý něco užitečného odnese. Děkuji. Petr
Recently I attended a class in a motorcycle school focused on a new way of testing pupils in driving schools. Coincidentally, it was my first ride this year, the more it enriched me. I would also like to point out Matthew's approach, though in a wheelchair and with a brace, but he still put his best effort into training. I recommend to anyone who wants to improve, I think that everyone will take something useful. Thank you. Peter
David Novák on Google

Můžu potvrdit slova kolegy. Matouš se snaží motorkářům podat věci tak,aby si nepřipadali jako trotlové,narozdíl od jiných. Se sestrou Radkou tvoří příjemný instruktorský tandem. Cílem není vytvořit dokonalého jezdce.To ostatně za den ,byť strávený na polygonu ani nelze Jde o to, aby člověk uměl motorku ovládat a měl z toho dobrý pocit. Dobře s tímto přístupem koresponduje motto motoškoly: "Není důležité na čem,ale jak ..."
I can confirm the words of my colleague. Matthew is trying to give bikers things so that they do not feel like trotl, unlike others. Together with her sister Radek she creates a pleasant instructor tandem. The goal is not to create a perfect rider.To moreover, in a day, although spent on the polygon can not even the point is that you can control the bike and feel good about it. The motto of the motor school corresponds well with this approach: "It is not important what, but how ..."
Tonda Valtr on Google

Kurz bezpecne jizdy doporucuji pro ty, kteri si chteji vyzkouset veci, ktere v silnicnim provozu zazijou jen jako krizovku. Zde si techto situaci uziji dost, zatoven si zlepsi techniku ovladani a jidy. Ja osobne jsem sel do kurzu s jasnym zamerem, vyzkouset si co moje Yamaha Supertenere dokaze a jak si ji dokazu vodit ja. Hlavne kde ma motorka sve limity. To absoulutne splnilo me ocekavani a pritom Matous rozdal spoustu dulezitych rad a tipu jak se zlepsit. Cvicnou plochu hodnotim jako vyhovujici...neni to preci okruh a zde jde hlavne o techniku nez rychlost. Zazemi by se urcite dalo zlepsit, ale protoze bylo krasne, tak jsme po celou dobu byli venku a to bylo fajn. Pri spatnem pocasi by to byli horsi. Takze za me jsem byl rad, ze jsem investoval penize do jednoho dne jizdy s Matousem a doporucuji pro ty co vahaji nebo se rozhoduji.
I recommend the course safely for those who want to try things that only live as a cruiser in road traffic. Here I can enjoy enough of these situations, improving the technique of control and jidy. I personally went to a course with a clear focus, try out what my Yamaha Supertenere can do and how to prove it to me. Especially where my bike has its limits. This absurdly fulfilled my expectations while Matous gave away a lot of important tips and tips on how to improve. Practice area I evaluate as satisfactory ... it's not a circuit and here is mainly a technique than speed. Zazemi could certainly be improved, but because it was beautiful, we were all the time out and it was fine. In bad weather it would be worse. So for me I was glad that I invested money in one day with Matous and I recommend for those who hesitate or decide.
Jan Pancuha on Google

velmi dobry pristup, absolvovali sme Kurz bezpecnej jazdy - teoriu vzdy striedala prax, maty sa venoval dobre vsetkym ucastnikom (bolo nas 5, takze fajn pocet) - mozno by trochu chcelo dopracovat zazemie a aj povrch cviciska by uz potreboval par oprav. Z celeho dna som bol vsak nadseny a urcite doporucujem motorkarom, ktori si uvedomuju ze maju este rezervy
very good approach, we went a safe driving course - the theory was always alternated practice, mates dealt well with all participants (we were 5, so a good number) - maybe would like to finish the ground and the surface of the exercise would need a few repairs. However, I was thrilled from the bottom and definitely recommend bikers who realize they still have reserves

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