MD. Gabriela Hrubešová, Clinicare Ltd.

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MD. Gabriela Hrubešová, Clinicare Ltd.

Address :

Lovosická 440/40, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7999
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City : Praha

Lovosická 440/40, 190 00 Praha 9, Czechia
Mariya Leta on Google

Paní doktorka Hrubešová je skutečný odborník. Profesionální a zodpovědný přístup, je velice milá a lidská. 100% spokojenost.
Dr. Hrubešová is a real expert. Professional and responsible approach, she is very kind and human. 100% satisfaction.
Petra Paulisová on Google

Chodime k pani doktorce zatim jen pulroku od miminka, ale uz ted chapu vsechna skvela hodnoceni. Pani doktorka je skvely profik- mam v ni obrovskou duveru a jsem rada, ze mame nase ditko prave v jeji peci. Zaroven ale ocenuji skvely lidsky pristup a komunikaci - jak v ordinaci, tak velmi flexibilni komunikaci pres telefon ci email. Kez by bylo vice takovych doktoru!
We only go to the doctor's half a year away from the baby, but now I understand all the great evaluations. Mrs. Doctor is a great pro, I have a lot of confidence in her and I'm glad we have our baby right in her furnace. At the same time, however, I appreciate the great human approach and communication - both in the office and very flexible communication by phone or email. I wish there were more such doctors!
Lucie Cellerova on Google

Paní doktorka je opravdu úžasná. Chodíme k ní se 2 detmi už 4 roky. Vždy perfektne a pečlivě kluky prohlédne,vše vysvětlí. Udělá vždy CRP,vytery. Jsem také ráda,že je na emailu a občas se jí ptám na rady touto cestou,abych nezdrzovala po telefonu. Velmi pani doktorku doporucuji a nemenila bych. Také sestřička je velmi prima. Prostředí je také velmi příjemné. Za celou naši rodinu L.Cellerova
The doctor is really amazing. We have been going to it with 2 children for 4 years. He always examines the boys perfectly and carefully, explains everything. He always does CRP, swabs. I'm also glad she's on the email and sometimes I ask her for advice in this way so as not to stay on the phone. I highly recommend the doctor and I would not change. The nurse is also very nice. The environment is also very pleasant. For our whole L. Celler family
Michaela Em on Google

S pani doktorkou Hrubešovou i s jeji sestrou jsme velice spokojeni! Velmi profesionalni uroven, pani doktorka je mila,mlada ač ve svem oboru dost znala a okamzite si ziska duveru. Ordinace krasna,cista, moderne plne vybavena. Ne nadarmo ma opravdu nabito. Dcerka se v jejich rukach citi dobre i pri ockovani. Jeji velke plus je flexibilni komunikace s rychlou odezvou nejen pres telefon, ale i pres email. Kdyz vas posle na vysetreni, hned navrhne par typu nebo kontakt..a to vse opravdu neni jinde samozrejmosti. Dekujeme.
We are very satisfied with both Dr. Hrubešová and her sister! Very professional level, the doctor is nice, young although she knew enough in her field and immediately gain confidence. Surgery beauty, clean, modern fully equipped. Not in vain really charged me. The girl feels good in their hands even when vaccinating. Its big plus is flexible communication with fast response not only by phone but also by email. When he sends you for an examination, he immediately suggests a pair of type or contact..and it's not really a matter of course. Thank you.
Aneta Vondrackova on Google

Pani doktorka je naprosto úžasná. Chodíme k ní s oběma dětma již 5 let a jsem s ní velice spokojena. Velice mi vyhovuje i to, že je téměř nonstop na e-mailu a dokáže poradit i na dálku, což jsme velice ocenili nejen na dovolené v zahraničí, ale i přes rok. Bydlíme hodinu od její ambulance, ale ani tato dálka není důvodem pro změnu pediatra. Obávám se, že stejně kvalitní lékařku bychom už nenašli.
The doctor is absolutely amazing. We have been going to her with both children for 5 years and I am very satisfied with her. I am also very pleased that it is almost non-stop on e-mail and can advise even remotely, which we greatly appreciated not only on holidays abroad, but also over the year. We live an hour from her clinic, but even this distance is not a reason to change the pediatrician. I'm afraid we wouldn't find a doctor of the same quality anymore.
Tera84 on Google

Nejlepší paní doktorka. Velmi pečlivá, milá, lidská ,vše perfektně vysvětlí i laikovi. Lze se na ni obrátit kdykoliv i po emailu. Moc děkujeme za skvělou péči, neměnili bychom.
Best doctor. Very careful, nice, human, everything perfectly explained to the layman. It can be contacted at any time even by email. Thank you very much for the great care, we would not change.
Jana B. on Google

Paní doktorka je skvělá, profesionální a přitom velmi milá, s dětmi to umí. Se synem jsme měli spoustu zdravotních problémů, všechny jsme s paní doktorkou nebo jí doporučenými dalšími odborníky vyřešili. Jsem ráda že chodíme právě k ní.
The doctor is great, professional and at the same time very nice, she can do it with children. My son and I had a lot of health problems, we all solved it with the doctor or other experts recommended by her. I'm glad we're going to her right now.
Martin Venky on Google

Paní doktorka s rodinným přístupem, profesionál v každém směru, pečlivá, lidská, vše umí vysvětlit, vždy umí najít řešení, stejně tak i její zdravotní sestřička, kéž by bylo všude víc takových doktorů, jako je ona.
A family-friendly doctor, a professional in every way, careful, human, she can explain everything, she can always find a solution, as well as her nurse, wishing there were more doctors like her everywhere.

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