MeDiLa spol. s r.o., Odběrové centrum Halasovo náměstí

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Contact MeDiLa spol. s r.o., Odběrové centrum Halasovo náměstí

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Halasovo nám. 597, 638 00 Brno-sever, Czechia

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City : Brno sever

Halasovo nám. 597, 638 00 Brno-sever, Czechia
Aneta Francová on Google

OGTT Chtela jsem jit do Medily, protoze maji uzasnou povest. Nakonec jsem Vsak tuto laboratoř nenavstivila, protože problem byl už u objednání. Po dotazu jaky jsem tyden těhotenství jsem ji sdělila oba dva, jak dle MS, tak dle screeningu, protože jako laik mevim, ktery je pro ne podstatny. Už to na me ostře zareagovala, že si mam proste jeden vybrat. Zamluvila termim a ja jako slusny clovek jsem ji oznamila, ze si jen potvrdím predem slibenou moznost hlidani ditete babickou, kdyby nahodou doslo ke zmene ze ji obratem (2min)zavolam zpet. V tu chvili se pani sekla a rekla ze me neobjedna, ze se mam nejdriv domluvit a pak objednat k nim, ze mi tedy zavola za 15 min (i kdyz ja ji rikala ze ji klidne zavolam ja okamzite, coz odmitla), jestli teda muzu. Pry by vse musela znova vypisovat a zabralo by ji to cas navic. Nevim co vypisovala, kdyz me jmeno a tyden těhotenství uz znala. Budiz. Za 15 mim mi tedy volá, ja ji potvrdila, ze můžu a ona mi pohrdave oznámila, ze se musi podivat, jestli nahodou už nekoho neobjednala, samozřejmě ano. Nabidla mi jine termíny, ovšem opět by zrejme musel byt stejný postup, že by mi zavolala zpet za oněch 15 min (aby nahodou nemusela "vse" vypisovat znovu) a možná by to mezitim zas obsadila. Nepohody jsme se, pani argumentovala, slovy, ze udělala vse spravne, kdyz tam mela maminku, ktera mela posledni mozny termin, byla jakasi napruzena... řekla jsem ji, ze se tedy objednam do jine laboratoře, než takové zdlouhavé procesy.
OGTT I wanted to go to Medila because they have an amazing reputation. In the end, however, I did not visit this laboratory, because the problem was already with the order. After asking what week I was pregnant, I told her both according to the MS and according to the screening, because as a layman I have, which is important for them. She has already reacted sharply to me, that I should just choose one. She made an appointment and I, as a decent person, told her that I would just confirm the previously promised possibility of babysitting a child, if by chance there was a change, and I would call her back immediately (2min). At that moment, the lady cut herself and said that she would not order me, that I should first make an appointment and then order them to call me in 15 minutes (even though I told her I would call her immediately, which she refused), if I could . It is said that she would have to list everything again and it would take her extra time. I don't know what she was saying when she already knew my name and the week of her pregnancy. Budiz. So she calls me for 15 mimes, I confirmed that I can and she scornfully informed me that she had to see if she hadn't ordered someone by chance, of course she did. She offered me other dates, but again, it would probably have to be the same procedure that she would call me back in those 15 minutes (so that she didn't have to write down "everything" again) and maybe she would take it again in the meantime. We argued the discomfort, Ms., with the words that she did everything right, when she had a mother there who had the last possible date, she was kind of tense ... I told her that I would order to a laboratory other than such lengthy processes.
Martina Fischerová on Google

Perfektní a profesionální přístup obou sester při odběru krve syna 2,5 let.
Perfect and professional approach of both nurses when taking their son's blood for 2.5 years.
Lilija Ludvíková on Google

Objednání a testování v pohodě. Testují PCR ze slin. Ale výsledek přišel po více jak 24 hod., což je dost vzhledem k tomu, že jsem šla na 8. ráno. Zatím jsem v jiných laboratořích při testování v dopoledních hodinách dostala výsledek odpoledne, nejpozději večer téhož dne. Takže sem už na PCR ne.
Ordering and testing just fine. They test saliva PCR. But the result came after more than 24 hours, which is enough considering that I went to the 8th morning. So far, in other laboratories, when I tested in the morning, I received the result in the afternoon, at the latest in the evening of the same day. So I'm not on PCR anymore.
Eva Mickova on Google

Dobry den, dnes 23.11. jsem byla na odberu na PCR test v Medila centru v Brne na Lesne, Halasovo namesti. Byla jsem objednana na 9:40 rano. Dosla jsem v 9:30 a videla dost velky zastup lidi cekajici venku pred budovou. Bylo dost zima a po asi 10 min, jsem se dostala na chodbu dovnitr budovy, Tam cekalo asi 15 lidi + deti a kdo v te dobe Covid jeste nemel tak ho jiste chytil tady. Pokaslavajici a posmrkujici pacienti, honici se deti nektere bez rousek a pomale cekani..Konecne asi po 10 hod. na me dosla rada. JEDINA!!! sestra nebo zdravotni pracovnice odebirala vsem vzorky. U stolu sedely asi 4 nebo 5 lidi ( nevim co tak duleziteho meli vsichni na praci) ale na celou radu tech dlouho cekajicich pacientu byla urcena jedna zena. Myslim si ze je to velmi spatna organizace, na tolik lidi by mely byt alespon 3 lide kteri vzorky odebiraji. Moje kamaradka byla predesly vecer se testovat v Elizabeth Pharmacon a neprisla s nikym do kontaktu, sla na cas urceny k testu a ma naprosto jinou zkusenost. Ty dve hvezdy davam te pani ktera pracovala na 150 % bohuzel sama.
Good day, today 23.11. I was taking a PCR test at the Medila Center in Brno na Lesne, Halasovo namesti. I was booked for 9:40 in the morning. I arrived at 9:30 and saw a large crowd of people waiting outside the building. It was quite cold and after about 10 minutes, I got to the corridor inside the building, There were waiting for about 15 people + children and who at the time Covid did not have so certainly caught him here. Patients who are sneezing and blowing their noses, some children are chasing them without crumbs and waiting slowly. JEDINA !!! a nurse or nurse took samples from all. There were about 4 or 5 people sitting at the table (I don't know what everyone had at work), but one woman was assigned to a number of long-awaited patients. I think it is a very bad organization, there should be at least 3 people taking samples. My friend was tested in Elizabeth Pharmacon the night before and didn't come into contact with anyone, she was on time for the test and has a completely different experience. I give the two stars to the lady who worked 150%, unfortunately alone.
Kristina R on Google

Делала тест GTT. Все на высшем уровне. Специально оборудовано место, где беременные могут лежать и отдыхать. Глюкоза по вкусу, как сироп. Можно выбрать один из 3 вкусов. Медсестры очень милые и предусмотрительные.
Did the GTT test. All at the highest level. There is a specially equipped place where pregnant women can lie down and rest. Glucose tastes like syrup. You can choose from 3 flavors. The nurses are very nice and thoughtful.
Gabriel Kulíšek on Google

Na stránkách je napsáno že přijímají od 6:45, ale ve skutečkosti je to od 7, doporučuji však přijít o 10 minit dříve, protože to už se tam začne scházet řada zhruba deseti lidí. Jinak vše proběhlo rychle a přijemně.
It is written on the website that they accept from 6:45, but in reality it is from 7, but I recommend coming 10 minutes earlier, because a number of about ten people will start meeting there. Otherwise, everything went quickly and pleasantly.
Anna Krutova on Google

Byla jsem v Medile na vyšetření těhotenské cukrovky a musím říct, že jsem byla velmi pozitivně překvapena! Obě dvě sestřičky velmi příjemné a usměvavé, odběr bezbolestný, odpočívárna krásně nachystaná (lůžka, stoleček, wifi). Glukózový nápoj, což je pro spousty maminek strašák - za mě výborný. Dostaly jsme výběr z různých příchutí a příchuť višeň paráda! Sestřičky všechno ochotně vysvětlují, komunikují, snaží se o maminky starat a do toho provádět odběry dalším lidem, aby nečekali. Za mě naprostá paráda!
I was in Medila for a pregnancy test and I must say that I was very positively surprised! Both sisters very nice and smiling, collection painless, rest room beautifully prepared (beds, table, wifi). Glucose drink, which is a scarecrow for many mothers - great for me. We got a selection of different flavors and cherry flavors show off! The nurses are willing to explain everything, communicate, try to take care of their mothers and take samples to other people so that they do not wait. Absolutely great for me!
Sue Shen on Google

Unfortunately they do not speak english at all and not easy to communicate as a foreigner. It should not be like this as a private clinic in the 2nd big city of Czech Republic.

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