Městské kulturní středisko Sobotka

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Contact Městské kulturní středisko Sobotka

Address :

nám. Míru 3, 507 43 Sobotka, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +978
Website : http://www.sobotka.cz/mks-sobotka
Categories :
City : Sobotka

nám. Míru 3, 507 43 Sobotka, Czechia
Vojta Rejzek on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zdejší městské kulturní středisko vzniklo v roce 1998 z nutnosti udržovat kulturní koncepci města a uvolnit ruce městské knihovně, respektive místní paní knihovnici, která do zmíněného roku mnohé kulturní akce ve městě pořádala. Dnes tu mimojiné najdete městské a turistické informační centrum, které je slušně vybaveno veškerými materiály pro poznáníchtivé turisty, od všemožných drobných upomínkových předmětů, regionálních výrobků a map až po krásné a zajímavé knižní publikace o městě i zdejším regionu. The city's cultural center was established in 1998 to maintain the city's cultural concept and to free up the hands of the city library, namely the local librarian, who hosted many of the city's cultural events up until the mentioned year. Today, among other things, you will find the city and tourist information center, which is well equipped with all materials for exploring tourists and wanderers, from all kinds of small souvenirs, regional products, maps and guides to beautiful and interesting book publications about the city and the region.
The local city cultural center was established in 1998 due to the need to maintain the city's cultural concept and free the hands of the city library, or the local librarian, who organized many cultural events in the city until that year. Today, you will find, among other things, the city and tourist information center, which is decently equipped with all the materials for sightseeing tourists, from all kinds of small souvenirs, regional products and maps to beautiful and interesting book publications about the city and the region. The city's cultural center was established in 1998 to maintain the city's cultural concept and to free up the hands of the city library, namely the local librarian, who hosted many of the city's cultural events up until the mentioned year. Today, among other things, you will find the city and tourist information center, which is well equipped with all materials for exploring tourists and wanderers, from all kinds of small souvenirs, regional products, maps and guides to beautiful and interesting book publications about the city ​​and the region.

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