Městský úřad Rabí

5/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Městský úřad Rabí

Address :

Rabí 15, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77898
Website : http://www.mestorabi.cz/
Categories :
City : Rabí

Rabí 15, 342 01 Rabí, Czechia
Radek Sedláček on Google

Nemám co vytknout! ;-)
I have nothing to complain about! ;-)
Petr Koldovský on Google

Pod obcí Rabí u silnice směrem na Sušici je zatopený lom s jezírkem a úchvatnou skalní scenérií.
Below the village Rabi u Susice road to the quarry with a pond and an impressive rocky seascape.
Petr N on Google

Městský úřad se nachází na náměstí přímo přes silnici pod zříceninou hradu Rabí. Město se snaží udržovat prostředí čisté a jako turista jdoucí na zříceninu sem byl spokojený i s organizací parkování protože pravděpodobně zdejší příjmy města i živnostníků jsou do jisté míry závislé na návštěvnosti a pohybu turistů. Takže za mě spokojenost
The town hall is located on the square directly across the road below the ruins of Rabí Castle. The city is trying to keep the environment clean and as a tourist going to the ruins he was satisfied with the organization of parking because probably the local income of the city and sole traders are to some extent dependent on attendance and movement of tourists. So satisfaction for me
Tomas Rachac on Google

Navštívili jsme Rabí a jsme nadšeni. Už dlouho jsme nepotkali na našich cestách místo, kde chápou matematiku "turisté=peníze". Myslím to celé v dobrém. Byli jsme na parkovišti, v restauraci, ve stánku, v krámku se suvenýry, na hradě a všude se usmívali, vycházeli nám vstříc, všude byla pohoda. Toto město budu všude doporučovat jako místo, kde je prima pobýt. Moc děkujeme.
We visited Rabi and we are excited. For a long time we have not met a place on our travels where they understand the mathematics of "tourists = money". I mean it all in a good way. We were in the parking lot, in the restaurant, in the stall, in the souvenir shop, in the castle and everywhere they smiled, they went out of their way to meet us, there was peace everywhere. I will recommend this city everywhere as a place to stay. Thank you very much.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Malebné městečko v předhůří Šumavy (v nadmořské výšce 478 metrů), kde dnes žije kolem 500 obyvatel, je spojeno s vývojem hradu Rabí, který byl založen pravděpodobně ve 13. století. Podhradí se stalo zárodkem městečka, které se postupně rozrůstalo. První písemná zmínka o obci pochází z roku 1373, kdy je ves Raby uváděna jako opevněné městečko s kostelem v majetku Švihovských z Rýzmberka. V období panování Půty Švihovského, v 15. století, hrad i městečko zažívaly nebývalý rozmach a právě v této době získává pohradí od krále Vladislava Jagellonského privilegovaný titul město (1499). Rabí tak nabylo městská práva a tento titul byl opět obnoven 1. dubna 2010. The picturesque town in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest (at an altitude of 478 meters), which currently houses about 500 inhabitants, is associated with the development of Rabí Castle, which was probably founded in the 13th century. The settlement around the castle became the seed of a small town, which gradually grew. The first written mention of the village comes from 1373, when the village "Raby" is mentioned as a fortified town with a church owned by Švihovský of Rýzmberk. During the reign of Půta Švihovský (15th century), the castle and the town are experiencing an unprecedented boom, and at this time they are getting the privileged title of the city (1499) by King Vladislav Jagello. Thus, Rabi gained urban rights and this title was re-established again on April 1, 2010.
The picturesque town in the foothills of the Šumava Mountains (at an altitude of 478 meters), where today has about 500 inhabitants, is associated with the development of Rabí Castle, which was probably founded in the 13th century. Podhradí became the nucleus of a small town, which gradually grew. The first written mention of the village comes from 1373, when the village of Raby is listed as a fortified town with a church owned by the Švihov family from Rýzmberk. During the reign of Půta Švihovský, in the 15th century, the castle and the town experienced an unprecedented boom, and it was at this time that the castle received the privileged title of town from King Vladislav Jagiellonsky (1499). The rabbi thus acquired city rights and this title was renewed on April 1, 2010. The picturesque town in the foothills of the Bohemian Forest (at an altitude of 478 meters), which currently houses about 500 inhabitants, is associated with the development of Rabí Castle, which was probably founded in the 13th century. The settlement around the castle became the seed of a small town, which gradually grew. The first written mention of the village comes from 1373, when the village "Raby" is mentioned as a fortified town with a church owned by Švihovský of Rýzmberk. During the reign of Půta Švihovský (15th century), the castle and the town are experiencing an unprecedented boom, and at this time they are getting the privileged title of the city (1499) by King Vladislav Jagello. Thus, Rabi gained urban rights and this title was re-established again on April 1, 2010.

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