Městys Český Šternberk

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Contact Městys Český Šternberk

Address :

Český Šternberk 27, 257 26 Český Šternberk, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +789
Website : http://ceskysternberk.eu/
Categories :
City : Český Šternberk

Český Šternberk 27, 257 26 Český Šternberk, Czechia
Věra Nováková on Google

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Vladimir Pecha on Google

Malebná obec vznikla v průběhu 13. století jako podhradí českého Šternberku. První zmínku o obci nalezneme v historických pramenech z roku 1242, jako o městečku se o ní píše v roce 1654. Spolu s hradem se obec rozšiřovala až do své současné podoby. Roku 1901 byl slavnostně zahájen provoz na železniční trati, a český Šternberk se tak stal díky své historické hodnotě i dobré dostupnosti oblíbeným cílem mnoha turistů. V současnosti se ve vesnici staví převážně rodinné domy na kopcovitých pozemcích na pravém břehu Sázavy. Od 10. října 2006 má obec opět status městyse. The picturesque village was founded in the 13th century as a suburb of Bohemian Šternberk (there is also Moravian Šternberk Castle belonging to the same family). The first mention of the village can be found in the historical sources from 1242, as the place is first mentioned as a town it in 1654. Along with the castle, the village expanded to its present form. In 1901, the operation of the railway line was inaugurated and thanks to its historical value and good access the Czech Šternberk became the favorite destination of many tourists. At present, mostly family houses are built on hilly grounds on the right bank of the Sázava river. Since October 10, 2006, the municipality has again been given to Český Šternberk.
The picturesque village was established during the 13th century as a suburb of the Czech Šternberk. The first mention of the village can be found in historical sources from 1242, as a small town is written about in 1654. Together with the castle, the village expanded to its current form. In 1901, the operation of the railway line was ceremoniously started, and the Czech Šternberk became a popular destination for many tourists due to its historical value and good accessibility. At present, mostly family houses are being built in the village on hilly plots on the right bank of the Sázava. Since October 10, 2006, the village has again had the status of a township. The picturesque village was founded in the 13th century as a suburb of Bohemian Šternberk (there is also Moravian Šternberk Castle belonging to the same family). The first mention of the village can be found in the historical sources from 1242, as the place is first mentioned as a town it in 1654. Along with the castle, the village expanded to its present form. In 1901, the operation of the railway line was inaugurated and thanks to its historical value and good access the Czech Šternberk became the favorite destination of many tourists. At present, mostly family houses are built on hilly grounds on the right bank of the Sázava river. Since October 10, 2006, the municipality has again been given to Český Šternberk.

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