Monastery of Divine Mercy

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Monastery of Divine Mercy

Address :

Husova 2, 373 33 Nové Hrady, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
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City : Nové Hrady

Husova 2, 373 33 Nové Hrady, Czechia
松坂智也 on Google

南ボヘミア大学訪問時に、一週間ほど泊めて頂きました。部屋は清潔で、お願いしてあったのか食事は3食(毎日同じ…)出してくださり、快適な滞在でした。また、隣の屋敷でも宿泊でき、上の方はそちらを利用していました。 ここでの滞在はプラハは勿論、チェスキーブディヨヴィツェとも違い穏やかで、例えば夜は仕事が終わり帰ってくると、パブでビールを仕入れ、向かいの家の壁に寄りかかりながら、通りに居合わせた人と語り合い、眠くなったら星を見ながらベットに戻る感じです。ちなみに、夏のせいかパブのお兄さんはパン1です。 時の流れや空間構成が日本とあまりに違いすぎて、未だに処理できない感覚が自分に残っています。いつか、また行かねば。
I stayed for about a week when visiting South Bohemia University. The room was clean and I asked for three meals (same every day...), so it was a comfortable stay. Also, I was able to stay at the mansion next door, and the one above used it. The stay here is calm, not only in Prague but also in Cesky Budijovice, for example, when work comes home at night and people come to the street while buying beer in a pub and leaning against the wall of the opposite house. When I feel sleepy, I look at the stars and go back to bed. By the way, the pub's big brother is bread 1 because of summer. The flow of time and the spatial structure are so different from Japan that I still have the feeling that I can't process them. Someday, I have to go again.
Jitka “Jitule” on Google

Krasne majestátní vznešené misto. Jsem ateista, ale i cirkev patří k naší historii i budoucnosti
Beautiful majestic noble place. I am an atheist, but the Church is also part of our history and future
Lenka Lodrova on Google

Doporučujeme navštívit. Prohlídka byla v sobotu 14h. Zajímavé vyprávění o historii kláštera. Snad najdu další informace na internetu
We recommend visiting. The tour was on Saturday 14h. An interesting story about the history of the monastery. Maybe I can find more information on the Internet
Vladimír Fuksa on Google

Nádherný klášter a úžasný výhled
Beautiful monastery and amazing views
Jiří Zeman on Google

Reprezentativní klášter, ve kterém bydlí a pracují mniši/mnišky. Prohlídku dojednáte po telefonu a včetně kostela Petra a Pavla ji zvládnete asi za hodinu. Vnímejte atmosféru a příběhy, které pro vás má průvodkyně, nechte se okouzlit výzdobou a jistě nebudete litovat.
Representative monastery in which monks / nuns live and work. You can arrange the tour by phone and you can do it in about an hour, including the Peter and Paul Church. Feel the atmosphere and the stories that the guide has for you, let yourself be enchanted by the decoration and you will certainly not regret it.
Ladislav Hrbáček on Google

Nádherný klášter v barokním slohu spolu s kostelem sv. Petra a Pavla byl vrácen servitům. Prohlídky pouze v červenci a srpnu. Stojí každopádně za návštěvu.
Beautiful convent in the Baroque style together with St. Peter and Paul was returned to the Servites. Tours only in July and August. It is definitely worth a visit.
jana blaháková on Google

Krásný barokní klášter servítů s gotickým kostelem sv. Petra a Pavla. Výklad během prohlídky neměl chybu.
Beautiful baroque monastery of Servites with gothic church of st. Peter and Paul. Interpretation during the tour was not a mistake.
George O´Harek (JOh) on Google

Klášter dř. servitů, se vrátil svému účelu, ale je běžně nepřístupný. Byl vystaven v raně barokním slohu koncem 17. st.
The former Servite monastery has returned to its purpose, but is normally inaccessible. It was exhibited in early Baroque style at the end of the 17th century.

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