Monument Vítězslava Hálka - Monument Vítězslava Hálka

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Contact Monument Vítězslava Hálka

Address :

252 41 Dolní Břežany, Czechia

Postal code : 252
Categories :
City : Dolní Břežany

252 41 Dolní Břežany, Czechia
Jiří Ludvík on Google

Krásný pomník
Beautiful monument
Josef Počta on Google

Carlo Hudratore on Google

Hartige White on Google

Hezká cesta lesem po modrý kousek od Zbraslavi.
Nice path through the woods along the blue near Zbraslav.
Tranx T on Google

Jelikož je pomník v poměrně strmém kopci, je pěkně zachovalý. Nachází se na začátku ( nebo na konci, záleží na tom, z které strany jdete) turistické stezky ke keltskému hradišti, což je pěkná procházka i pro rodiny s dětmi.
As the monument is on a relatively steep hill, it is nicely preserved. It is located at the beginning (or end, depending on which side you go) hiking trails to the Celtic fort, which is a nice walk for families with children.
Petr Kuba on Google

Pomník, který věnovali studenti. Doporučuji procházku do kopce k opidiu. Pomník, přestože je v lese je pěkně udržovaný.
A monument donated by students. I recommend a walk uphill to the opidium. The monument, although in the woods is nicely maintained.
Helena Zalesakova on Google

Památník vznikl roku 1876, architektem je B. Spudil, kameníkem O. Sandter a bronzový medailon vytvořil Josef Václav Myslbek. Hálek sem jezdil na dovolenou a do okolí rád chodil na procházky.
The monument was built in 1876, the architect is B. Spudil, the stonemason O. Sandter and the bronze medallion created by Josef Václav Myslbek. Halek was here for a holiday and was glad to walk around.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Zajímavý pomník ve tvaru kamenného jehlanu vznikl roku 1876 v Břežanském údolí na počest zakladatele moderní české poezie, básníka a žurnalisty Vítězslava Hálka (1835-1874). Hálek na Závist jezdil na dovolenou a do okolí rád chodil na procházky. Architektem pomníku je B. Spudil z Čáslavi, kameníkem O. Sandter a bronzový medailon vytvořil Josef Václav Myslbek. Pod portétním reliéfem je vyveden nápis „Vítěslavu Hálkovi vděčné studentstvo“. Do seznamu kulturních památek byl pomník zapsán v květnu 1958. An interesting memorial in the form of a stone pyramid was built in 1876 in the Břežanské valley in honor of the founder of modern Czech poetry, the poet and journalist Vítězslav Hálek (1835-1874). Hálek liked to visit Závist being on a holiday and used to spent some walking in the surroundings. The architect of the monument is B. Spudil of Čáslav, the stonemason O. Sandter and the central bronze medallion was created by Josef Václav Myslbek. Below the portrait relief there is the inscription "Vítěslav Hálek's grateful students". The monument was listed in the cultural monument in May 1958.
An interesting monument in the shape of a stone pyramid was erected in 1876 in Břežanské údolí in honor of the founder of modern Czech poetry, the poet and journalist Vítězslav Hálek (1835-1874). Hálek na Závist went on holiday and liked to go for walks in the surroundings. The architect of the monument is B. Spudil from Čáslav, the stonemason O. Sandter and the bronze medallion were created by Josef Václav Myslbek. Under the portrait relief is the inscription "Grateful students to Vítěslav Hálek". The monument was inscribed on the list of cultural monuments in May 1958. An interesting memorial in the form of a stone pyramid was built in 1876 in the Břežanské valley in honor of the founder of modern Czech poetry, the poet and journalist Vítězslav Hálek (1835-1874). Hálek liked to visit Envy being on a holiday and used to spent some walking in the surroundings. The architect of the monument is B. Spudil of Čáslav, the stonemason O. Sandter and the central bronze medallion was created by Josef Václav Myslbek. Below the portrait relief there is the inscription "Vítěslav Hálek's grateful students". The monument was listed in the cultural monument in May 1958.

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