Motoškola Sršeň s.r.o.

4.3/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Motoškola Sršeň s.r.o.

Address :

LKBL-X, 388 01 Blatná, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +77
Website :
Categories :
City : Blatná

LKBL-X, 388 01 Blatná, Czechia
WalteriX on Google

Martin Pačanda on Google

Vaclav J. on Google

Tak "mistři" z @Motoskolasrsen "klobouk dolů". Když my den před vaším kurzem volal kamarád, že jeho syn nemůže díky nemoci, tak jsem si řekl "co by mě mohl asi Sršeň naučit". Teď se té větě směju a už teď přemýšlím, kdy pojedu na další kurz, třeba na nějaký druhý level. Dále jsem si říkal, že to stejně pro mojí motorku není - BMW K1600 GTL, která je prostě cesťák. Opět obrovský omyl. SRŠEŇ a jeho tým jsou naprosto grandiózní profesionálové, stojící pevně na nohách a předají vám super informace, které se dají aplikovat na jakékoliv motorky. Ten z vás kdo nevěří, tak se prostě přihlaste a jděte si to zkusit..... Za mě 10 hvězd a těším se na další kurz. Vůbec jsem netušil, že BMW K1600 GTL umí to co jste mě tam naučili. Teď už jen procvičovat a užívat si bezpečné a zároveň úchvatné jízdy..... Kluci díky moc z hloubky mého srdce..... bez přeháněk "S úctou" díky. So "Masters" from @Motoskolasrsen "hats of". Day before your course, my best friend told me, that his son can not attend your course and I have to go there, I sad to my self "What "Sršeň" (the owner) can teach me more, that I already know". Right know I have to smile and in this moment I am already thinking, when I will join other course, for example 2nd level. Next I sad, this course is not for my bike - BMW K1600 GTL, which is pure traveler for long distance. Again a BIG mistake. SRŠEŇ and his team are absolutely "grandiose" professionals, which are standing firmly on their own feet, they will give you super important information, which are applicable on any types of bike. Maybe there are some of you who just do not believe, my advice is just register and try it.... From me you have 10 stars and I am looking forward to attend the next course. I did not know, that my BMW K1600 GTL can ride like I ride and what you taught today. Now I have to train myself each ride and enjoy safely and awesome rides..... GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM MY HEARTH....Withouth exaggeration "Sincerely yours" and thank you again.
So the "masters" of @Motoskolasrsen "hat down". When a friend called me the day before your course that his son couldn't get sick, I thought, "What could Hornet teach me?" Now I'm laughing at that sentence and I'm already thinking about when I'm going to the next course, maybe to the second level. I also thought that it was not the same for my motorcycle - the BMW K1600 GTL, which is simply a road. Again, a huge mistake. SRŠEŇ and his team are absolutely grandiose professionals, standing firmly on their feet and giving you great information that can be applied to any motorcycle. The one of you who doesn't believe, so just sign up and go try it ..... For me 10 stars and I'm looking forward to the next course. I had no idea that the BMW K1600 GTL could do what you taught me there. Now just practice and enjoy safe and at the same time breathtaking rides ..... Guys thanks a lot from the depths of my heart ..... no showers "Sincerely" thanks. So "Masters" from @Motoskolasrsen "hats of". Day before your course, my best friend told me, that his son can not attend your course and I have to go there, I sad to my self "What" Sršeň "(the owner) can teach me more, that I already know" . Right know I have to smile and in this moment I am already thinking, when I will join other course, for example 2nd level. Next I sad, this course is not for my bike - BMW K1600 GTL, which is pure traveler for long distance. Again a BIG mistake. SRŠEŇ and his team are absolutely "grandiose" professionals, which are standing firmly on their own feet, they will give you super important information, which are applicable on any types of bike. Maybe there are some of you who just do not believe, my advice is just register and try it .... From me you have 10 stars and I am looking forward to attend the next course. I did not know that my BMW K1600 GTL can ride like I ride and what you taught today. Now I have to train myself each ride and enjoy safely and awesome rides ..... GUYS THANK YOU SO MUCH FROM MY HEARTH .... Withouth exaggeration "Sincerely yours" and thank you again.
Jaroslav Luzny on Google

Skvělý tým, který vám dá užitečné informace jak ještě líp ovládat svůj motocykl. Vřele doporučuji!
A great team that will give you useful information on how to control your motorcycle even better. I warmly recommend!
Vladimír Sitta on Google

Byl jsem letos uz 2x a pokaždé je to posun v technice, bezpečnosti a pokud někdo chce, tak i v rychlosti. Srozumitelnou, zábavnou a hlavně praktickou formou se pracuje na individuálních chybách a člověk odjíždí se zkušenostmi, které jsou k nezaplacení. Tahle investice se vyplatí každému.
I've been twice this year and it's always a shift in technology, safety and, if anyone wants, speed. Individual mistakes are worked on in an understandable, entertaining and, above all, practical way, and one leaves with experiences that are priceless. This investment pays off for everyone.
Michal Boháč on Google

Včerejší Adventure škola v Sršnově zahrádce...kdo nezažil nepochopí....
Yesterday's Adventure school in Sršnov garden ... who has not experienced will not understand ....

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