MUDr. Jana Novobílská

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact MUDr. Jana Novobílská

Address :

Sokolská 133/1, 739 32 Vratimov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
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Categories :
City : Vratimov

Sokolská 133/1, 739 32 Vratimov, Czechia
Drew Red on Google

Marcela Tobolová on Google

Patrik on Google

Robert Čech on Google

Ladislav Šilhavý on Google

The best
Veronika Vacková on Google

Pani doktorka i sestřička jsou milé hodné na dětí umí to s nimi pěkně a moc nám tam pomohly s začínajícím astmatem u syna. Doporučuji
Both the doctor and the nurse are nice to children and they can do very well with them and they helped us with asthma with our son. I recommend
Pavlína Biskupová on Google

Paní doktorka je opravdu velice, milá, hodná a vše důkladně vyšetří a vysvětlí. Pro mě nejlepší paní doktorka, kterou jsem poznala.
The doctor is really very, kind, kind and will thoroughly examine and explain everything. The best doctor for me, whom I met.
Klára Chudá on Google

Kdyby vsichni lekari byli takovi, jako pani doktorka Novobilska, bylo by na Zemi blaze. Nejenom ze je velmi mila a na deti hodna, ale vuci rodicum a jejich dotazum velmi ochotna, po sve pracovni dobe rodice obvolava, vzdy odepisuje na emaily a snazi se hledat reseni,... Mame ohromne stesti, ze nasi dceru prijala mezi sve pacienty, protoze jinou pani doktorku uz nechceme!
If all doctors were like Dr. Novobilska, there would be happiness on Earth. Not only is she very nice and very nice to children, but she is very willing to give parents and their questions, after all her working hours, she always writes to the parents, always writes down on emails and tries to find a solution, ... We are very happy that she accepted our daughter among her patients. , because we don't want another doctor anymore!

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