Municipal Library of Prague

4.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Municipal Library of Prague

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Technická 2710/6, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia

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City : Praha

Technická 2710/6, 160 00 Praha 6, Czechia
Sarkita NOVÁ on Google

Rychlé vyřízení, nápomocný personál, otevřeno i v sobotu, parkování přímo u knihovny ve Studentské ul. nebo u Fleming. nam. za rohem, zastávka autobusu hned u vchodu. V horním patře stolek pro děti s aktivitou na daný měsíc a dál za regály dětské oddělení (knihy, stůl) s WC.
Fast processing, helpful staff, open on Saturdays, parking directly at the library in Studentská Street or at Fleming. U.S. around the corner, bus stop right at the entrance. On the upper floor there is a table for children with activity for a given month and further behind the shelves there is a children's department (books, table) with a toilet.
Jan Vacek on Google

Byl jsem tam poprvé. Technicky super, velký pokrok od mých studentských let. Ale lidská obsluha tragedie. Dotazem je obtěžuje, práce je fakt asi baví. Všechny dámy to mají stejné. Jediný kdo to zachránil byli vrátní, jedem mladý, druhý starší a oba pomohli, poradili. Jim patří velký dík. Honza
I was there for the first time. Technically great, great progress since my student years. But human service tragedy. They bother them with the question, they really enjoy the work. All ladies have the same. The only ones who saved it were the porters, the young one, the other the elder, and they both helped and advised. Many thanks to them. John
Leona Mrázková on Google

Café v NTK slečny vstřícné, snaživé, rychlé Dezerty velmi dobré, ale ledová káva slabá .... málo kávy a celkově malé množství. WCa nejlepší doby za sebou .... Trochu více pečlivostí při úklidu.
Café in NTK ladies helpful, hardworking, fast Desserts very good, but iced coffee weak .... little coffee and overall small amount. WCa best time in a row .... A little more care when cleaning.
Bára Pecháčková on Google

Krásná knihovna, která nemá drahé vstupné (50 kč na 6 měsíců). Navíc se zde pořádají různé zajímavé akce. Architektura budovy je velmi zajímavá. Je to hezké místo na posezení nebo práci.
Beautiful library that has no expensive entrance fee (50 CZK for 6 months). In addition, various interesting events are held here. The architecture of the building is very interesting. It's a nice place to sit or work.
Mark Louie Trimidal on Google

Nice library
Filip Dolejší on Google

You can find any other book you want.
Tom Jirinec on Google

As I mentioned, great place with great staff and huge selection of books. Top notch.
Petr Zmolik on Google

Very helpful and kind staff, the selection is not enormous but I found what I was searching for. It was not perfectly arranged and some books have been returned to the wrong spot, so don’t give up when you look for a book and ask the staff, or just look up selection and availability online. Thank you to the ladies there for help with my registration. I can see that most of them are passionate about their job and know their selection well. Long story short; good selection, kind staff, not perfectly organized but well equipped. ???

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