Muzeum Hraček

4.8/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Muzeum Hraček

Address :

U Zeleného stromu 910, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Categories :
City : Jablonec nad Nisou

U Zeleného stromu 910, 466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou, Czechia
Olina Kuntová on Google

Kouzelné maličké muzeum s úžasným majitelem ve funkci průvodce. Vnuka zajímají "mašinky" a tady jich bylo víc než dost. Pan majitel nám o všech nejen povyprávěl, ale otevřel i skříňky a dovolil si na ně i "sáhnout". Ti starší si zase mohou zavzpomínat na své dětství, nebo se vrátit do dávnější historie. Doporučuji návštěvu.
A charming little museum with an amazing owner as a guide. The grandson is interested in "machines" and there were more than enough of them here. The owner not only told us about all of them, but also opened the lockers and allowed himself to "touch" them. The elderly can remember their childhood or return to ancient history. I recommend a visit.
Jana Vetterová on Google

Clovek by to mohl nazvat vetesnictvim, ve skutecnosti najdete v tomto cinzovnim dome neuveritelne sirokou sbirku vsech moznych hracek. Spoustu z nich si budete pamatovat z detstvi nebo alespon z reklam a casopisu. Spostu z nich jste meli doma vy nebo vasi bratranci a sestrenice. Nektere ale meli vasi dedove a babicky. Je velmi zabavne poslouchat nadsene vypraveni majitele muzea, ktery vi o hrackach snad vse, kde byly vyrobeny, od kdy do kdy se vyrabely, ktere hracky je nahradily, co na nich bylo spatne a co dobre. Vetsina hracek je nevic funkcnich a majitel vam to rad predvede. Zkuste postat pred naditou vitrinou a prohlednout vse, co v ni je, to se vam nepodari. Tolik, tolik, tolik moc krasnych hracek za skly najdete. Tohle muzeum je neuveritelne svoji obsaznosti. Loutkova divadla, kuchynky, panenky, loutky, auta, vlacky, houpaci kone, plysaci, kaci atd. atd. atd. Deti si zde navic mohou vytvorit svoji vlatni loutku a doma ji muzete usit vlastni oblecek. Tohle muzeum navstivim znovu a rada a 100% uvidim hracky, ktere jsem jeste nevidela. Doporucuji, stoji za to!
One could call it a fortune-telling, in fact you will find an incredibly wide collection of all possible toys in this apartment house. You will remember many of them from childhood or at least from advertisements and magazines. You or your cousins ​​had many of them at home. But some had your grandparents. It is very fun to listen to the enthusiastic narration of the museum owner, who knows about the toys, perhaps everything where they were made, from when to when they were made, which toys replaced them, what was wrong with them and what was good. Most of the toys are not very functional and the owner will be happy to show you. Try to stand in front of a stuffed display case and look through everything in it, you won't be able to. You will find so many, so many, so many beautiful toys for glass. This museum is incredibly busy. Puppet theaters, kitchens, dolls, puppets, cars, trains, rocking horses, stuffed, ducklings, etc., etc. etc. In addition, children can create their own puppet here and you can wear your own clothes at home. I will visit this museum again and I will be happy to see toys that I have never seen before. I recommend, it's worth it!
Lenka Kaiserová on Google

Navštíveno se synem, spousta starých hraček, že až srdce poskočí se vzpomínkou na svoje dětství. Majitel příjemný pán, který se celou dobu dětem věnoval a vyprávěl o výrobci hračky a historii. Celkově příjemné maličké muzeum
Visited with my son, lots of old toys that when the heart jumps with the memory of your childhood. Owner nice gentleman, who all the time devoted to children and told about the toy manufacturer and history. Overall nice little museum
Tereza Tománková on Google

Skvělé muzeum plné skvostů a velice příjemný pan majitel, který s radostí podá k hračkám výklad a ukáže i tu nejstarší. Určitě stojí za návštěvu.
Great museum full of gems and a very pleasant owner, who is happy to give an explanation of the toys and show even the oldest. Definitely worth a visit.
Jan kočí on Google

Venca Machy on Google

Monika Honzátková on Google

Igal Karlinsky on Google

Apparently it's closed on Fridays.

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