Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské v Broumově

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- No-ccsh-broumov.unas.cz

Contact Náboženská obec Církve československé husitské v Broumově

Address :

Husova 182, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87
Website : http://www.no-ccsh-broumov.unas.cz/
Categories :
City : Broumov

Husova 182, 550 01 Broumov, Czechia
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Mohutná stavba kostela a fary uprostřed rozlehlého parku ve Velké Vsi je bývalý Husův sbor Církve československé husitské a někdejší kostel Zmrtvýchvstání, vybudovaný v roce 1903 německou luterskou církví v Broumově. Dnes tu probíhají bohuslužby každou první a třetí neděli v měsíci od deseti hodin. Budova kostela vypadá až trochu tajuplně, za silného deště a nízké oblačnosti měla celá scenérie takřka filmový nádech. The massive church and rectory building in the large park in Velká Ves is the former Hussite congregation of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and the former Church of the Resurrection, built in 1903 by the German Lutheran Church in Broumov. Today, there are divine services every first and third Sunday of the month from ten o'clock. The church building looks a bit mysterious, with heavy rain and low clouds, the scene was almost cinematic.
The massive building of the church and rectory in the middle of a large park in Velká Ves is the former Hus congregation of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and the former Church of the Resurrection, built in 1903 by the German Lutheran Church in Broumov. Today, services are held here every first and third Sunday of the month from ten o'clock. The church building looks a bit mysterious, in heavy rain and low clouds the whole scenery had almost a cinematic touch. The massive church and rectory building in the large park in Velká Ves is the former Hussite congregation of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and the former Church of the Resurrection, built in 1903 by the German Lutheran Church in Broumov. Today, there are divine services every first and third Sunday of the month from ten o'clock. The church building looks a bit mysterious, with heavy rain and low clouds, the scene was almost cinematic.

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