Národní památkový ústav Územní odborné pracoviště v Praze - Na Perštýně 356

3.7/5 based on 6 reviews

Contact Národní památkový ústav Územní odborné pracoviště v Praze

Address :

Na Perštýně 356, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 110
Website : http://www.npu.cz/
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 2–5:30PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 2–5:30PM
Thursday Closed
Friday Closed
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Staré Město

Na Perštýně 356, 110 00 Staré Město, Czechia
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Když jsem dorazil do pobočky NPÚ Na Perštýně, na chvilku se mi zatajil dech. Spoustu krásných míst, která jsem za poslední dva roky navštívil, je tu koncentrována na knižních regálech nevelké místnosti a člověk má prvních pár minut problém, kam se vůbec dívat a co si prohlédnout jako první. Pokud patříte mezi fanoušky historie a architektury, pak vás toto místo rozhodně nezklame. Nejstarší zmínka o domě, ve kterém pobočka NPÚ sídlí, pochází z roku 1400, původní zástavba je zřejmě ještě starší a spojuje se s vedlejším románským domem (č.p. 357). Během 15. a 16. století byl dům upraven pro účely pivovaru. V roce 1641 jej koupil Jaroslav Bořita z Martinic pro purkrabství Pražského hradu (odtud název Purkrabský Pivovar). V jeho majetku zůstal dům až do 19. století. Dnešní vzhled domu je částečně výsledkem klasicistní přestavby z roku 1848, která byla později upravena secesně. Zajímavost: Kolem roku 1730 při barokní přestavbě přibylo spojovací křídlo mezi průčelním domem a zadním dvorním stavením. Předpokládá se, že drobné úpravy prováděl Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. When I arrived at National Heritage Institute's office in Perštýn, I had to hold my breath for a moment. A lot of beautiful places I've visited in the past two years are concentrated on the book shelves of a relatively small room, and the first few minutes a person has a problem whre to look and what to watch as first. If you are a fan of history and architecture, then this place will definitely not disappoint you. The earliest mention of the house in which the NHI's headquarters are located dates back to 1400, but the original building is probably even older and is connected with the adjacent Romanesque house (No. 357). During the 15th and 16th centuries the house was adapted for brewery purposes. In 1641 it was bought by Jaroslav Bořita of Martinice for the Burgrave of Prague Castle. The house remained in his possession until the 19th century. Today's appearance of the object is partly the result of a classicist reconstruction from 1848, which was later modified in Art Nouveau style. Interesting fact: during the baroque rebuilding around 1730 a connecting wing between the front house and the rear courtyard was added. It is assumed that minor modifications were made by Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.
When I arrived at the NPÚ Na Perštýně branch, my breath caught for a moment. Many of the beautiful places I've visited in the last two years are concentrated on the bookshelves of a small room, and one has a problem for the first few minutes, where to look at all and what to see first. If you are a fan of history and architecture, then this place will definitely not disappoint. The oldest mention of the house in which the NPÚ branch is located dates from 1400, the original development is probably even older and is associated with the adjacent Romanesque house (No. 357). During the 15th and 16th centuries, the house was adapted for the purposes of the brewery. In 1641 it was bought by Jaroslav Bořita from Martinice for the burgravy of Prague Castle (hence the name Purkrabský Brewery). The house remained in his possession until the 19th century. Today's appearance of the house is partly the result of a classicist reconstruction from 1848, which was later modified in Art Nouveau. Interesting fact: Around 1730, during the Baroque reconstruction, a connecting wing was added between the front house and the rear courtyard building. It is assumed that minor adjustments were made by Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer. When I arrived at National Heritage Institute's office in Perštýn, I had to hold my breath for a moment. A lot of beautiful places I've visited in the past two years are concentrated on the book shelves of a relatively small room, and the first few minutes a person has a problem whre to look and what to watch as first. If you are a fan of history and architecture, then this place will definitely not disappoint you. The earliest mention of the house in which the NHI's headquarters are located dates back to 1400, but the original building is probably even older and is connected with the adjacent Romanesque house (No. 357). During the 15th and 16th centuries the house was adapted for brewery purposes. In 1641 it was bought by Jaroslav Bořita of Martinice for the Burgrave of Prague Castle. The house remained in his possession until the 19th century. Today's appearance of the object is partly the result of a classicist reconstruction from 1848, which was later modified in Art Nouveau style. Interesting fact: during the baroque rebuilding around 1730 a connecting wing between the front house and the rear courtyard was added. It is assumed that minor modifications were made by Kilián Ignác Dientzenhofer.

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