NILAN s.r.o.

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact NILAN s.r.o.

Address :

Klatovská 506/175, 321 00 Plzeň 6-Litice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7987
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday Closed
Monday 8AM–4PM
Tuesday 8AM–4PM
Wednesday 8AM–4PM
Thursday 8AM–4PM
Friday 8AM–4PM
Saturday Closed
Categories :
City : Plzeň 6 Litice

Klatovská 506/175, 321 00 Plzeň 6-Litice, Czechia
Dávid Pór on Google

pri vybere rekuperacie sme vela porovnavali. aj znacky aj jednotlive typy. no u mna vyhrala znacka Nilan. a to z viacerych dovodov. jednotky su tak dopodrobna prepracovane, premakane, ze clovek ozaj sa nemusi starat o nic. ze si mozeme uzivat komfort, ktory nam rekuperacia do domu priniesla. ;)
when selecting recuperation we have much compared. both brands and individual types. Well, Nilan won me. and from multiple inferences. units are so detailed, premakane, that people really don't have to worry about anything. that we can enjoy the comfort that recuperation brought to us. ;)
Nora Flokova on Google

Ked sme sa s manzelom zacali o rekuperaciu trosku viac zaujimat zvazovali sme viacere znacky, no myslim, ze sme urobili dobre, ze sme sa rozhodli prave pre jednotku od Nilanu. Takyto sposob vetrania je skvely, zvysuje komfort byvania :) A tiez chladenie v lete - parada!
When my husband and I started to get more interested in the recuperation of the wreck, we considered several brands, but I think we did well to decide that we had chosen the unit from Nilan. This way of ventilation is great, it increases the comfort of living :) And also cooling in the summer - great!
Linda Fiser on Google

Spokojenost s rekuperací i servisními prohlídkami. ?
Satisfaction with recuperation and service inspections. ?
Boris Hatiar on Google

kym sme nemali doma rekuperaciu neuvedomoval som si uplne jej vyhody a prinos do nasho zivota. je to uz niekolko mesiacov co byvame a uzivame si ju. na zaklade odporucania kamarata som nam zaobstaral Nilan VPL 15K TOP . tato jednotka zabezpecuje vetranie, prikurovanie a aj chladenie, ktore teraz v lete ocenujeme
Until we had recuperation at home, I did not fully realize her benefits and bring to our lives. it's been a couple of months we live and enjoy it. Based on a friend's recommendation, I got us Nilan VPL 15K TOP. this unit provides ventilation, heating and cooling, which we now appreciate this summer
Adam Tubletsky on Google

Pre rekuperaciu sme boli rozhodnuti uz na zaciatku, ked sme este len projekt vyberali. Vedeli sme co chceme, co od toho ocakavame a som rad, ze jednotka VP 18K WT splnila nase ocakavania. Nie je hlucna a zivot s nou je komfortny :wink:
For recovery we were determined at the beginning, when we just selected the project. We knew what we wanted, what we expect, and I am glad that the VP 18K WT unit has met our expectations. It is not noisy and life with her is comfortable: wink:
Tatiana Mäsiarová on Google

Pre tuto znacku sme sa rozhodli po zvazeni viacerych veci. Je to uz nejaky cas, co rekuperaciu mame a moj nazor je, ze jednotky Nilan su kvalitne a spolahlive. Zivot s reku je super :) Velmi rychlo sme si na to zvykli, kedze aj ja aj muz sme alergici, tak taketo vetranie nam vyhovuje :)
For this brand, we decided to consider a number of things. It is some time that recuperation mom and my opinion is that the Nilan unit is good and reliable. Life with the river is great :) Very fast we got used to it, as I and the man are allergic, so it suits us :)
Milan Cacko on Google

kvalitna aktivna rekuperacia, vyuzivame uz aj chladenie, je to super. kazdemu odporucam radsej siahnut po aktivnej, oplati sa to. firma je profesionalna!
quality active recuperation, we already use cooling, it's great. I recommend everyone to reach for it, it pays off. the company is professional!
Peter Kemeň on Google

Spoľahlivá firma so zaujímavou ponukou vetracích jednotiek, vďaka odborným radám sme vybrali aj vhodné vetranie pre náš dom. V nových domoch by mala byť rekuperácia už samozrejmosťou. Je zdraviu prospešná a v zime ušetrí aj peniaze.
A reliable company with an interesting offer of ventilation units, thanks to professional advice we have also chosen a suitable ventilation for our house. Recuperation should be a matter of course in new homes. It is good for health and saves money in winter.

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