Okresní Hospodářská Komora Děčín - Myslbekova

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Contact Okresní Hospodářská Komora Děčín

Address :

Myslbekova, 405 02 Děčín, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 405
Website : http://www.ohkdecin.cz/
Categories :
City : Děčín

Myslbekova, 405 02 Děčín, Czechia
Michal Moc on Google

Vladimir Pecha on Google

Nádherná pseudogotická dvoupatrová nárožní budova orientovaná štítem do náměstí byla postavena na místě původní radnice J. Gutensohnem z Mnichova r. 1842 jako jedna z prvních novogotických staveb v českých zemích. Od roku 1871 sloužila budova jako sídlo okresního soudu. Jižní část byla přistavěná roku 1847 a nahradila starou městskou školu. Na obou částech budovy jsou dodnes zachovány městské znaky Děčína. Severní část byla v letech 2004–2005 důkladně opravena. The magnificent pseudo-gothic two-story corner building oriented by a shield to the square, was built on the site of the original town hall by J. Gutensohn of Munich in 1842 as one of the first neo-Gothic buildings in the Czech lands. The building served as the seat of the district court since 1871. The southern part was built in 1847 and replaced the old town school. On both parts of the building the urban signs of Děčín are still preserved. The northern part was thoroughly repaired between 2004-2005.
The beautiful pseudo-Gothic two-storey corner building with a gable facing the square was built on the site of the original town hall by J. Gutensohn from Munich in 1842 as one of the first neo-Gothic buildings in the Czech lands. From 1871, the building served as the seat of the district court. The southern part was added in 1847 and replaced the old town school. The city emblems of Děčín are still preserved on both parts of the building. The northern part was thoroughly repaired in 2004-2005. The magnificent pseudo-gothic two-story corner building oriented by a shield to the square, was built on the site of the original town hall by J. Gutensohn of Munich in 1842 as one of the first neo-Gothic buildings in the Czech lands. The building served as the seat of the district court since 1871. The southern part was built in 1847 and replaced the old town school. On both parts of the building the urban signs of Děčín are still preserved. The northern part was thoroughly repaired between 2004-2005.

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