Olomouc Region - Regional Authority

3.6/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Olomouc Region - Regional Authority

Address :

Jeremenkova 1191, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +88
Website : http://www.kr-olomoucky.cz/
Categories :
City : Olomouc

Jeremenkova 1191, 779 00 Olomouc, Czechia
Ladislav Sebök on Google

Bear Gruiz on Google

Pavel Koňarik on Google

Pavel Snášel on Google

Martina Žichovská on Google

Nejlepší vyhlídka z 18. patra na město a okolí.
The best view from the 18th floor of the city and its surroundings.
Martin Navratil on Google

Pěkný výhled z terasy v desátém patře.
Nice view from the terrace on the tenth floor.
Drahomir Krejčí on Google

Zdravim ve spolek. Pozor, upozorneni: dnes jsem si byl ve 12:40 vyzvednout eurolicenci a jeji “opis” na krajskem urade v Olomouci. A ono ejhle, prisel urednik a informoval me, ze mam smulu, ze mi to dnes nevydaji, protoze pani z pokladny je nemocna a pokladna je dnes jen do 12:00. Na muj dotaz co ja s jeji nemoci mam spolecneho mi bylo odpovezeno, ze mam smulu, ze je potreba zaplatit poplatek. Rikam u nas mame ctecky na karty a i automaty na placeni, odpoved - pani je nemocna. Jedu z Pv, hmmm, mame to na strankach, hmm, mel jste si zavolat. Takze pouceni, kdyz pojedete na krajsky urad, tak si nejprve zjistit jestli zase nema nekdo treba pupinek nekde aby jste nejeli zbytecne. Celkem me zarazi, ze urad nadrazeny vsem “okresnim” ztroskota na pani z pokladny ??‍♂️?? A dalsi pecka je, ten telefonni system a jednani s klientem na chodbe u vytahu. Tehle urad zatim vede peloton ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️. Jedna hruza strida druhou. Pekny vysmech danovemu poplatnikovi, opet si urednici neuvedomuji, ze jsou tam za nase penize a pro nas, ne mi pro ne‼️‼️‼️‼️
Greetings to the association. Attention, warning: today I was at 12:40 to pick up the Euro license and its "copy" at the regional office in Olomouc. And lo and behold, an official came and informed me that I was unlucky that they would not give it to me today, because the lady from the cash register is ill and the cash register is only open until 12:00 today. When I asked what I had in common with her illness, I was told that I was unlucky to have to pay a fee. I say we have card readers and vending machines for payment, the answer - the lady is ill. I'm from Pv, hmmm, we have it on the site, hmm, you should have called. So instructions, when you go to the regional office, first find out if someone does not need pimples somewhere so that you do not go unnecessarily. It strikes me as a whole that the office is superior to all the "district" shipwrecks ??‍♂️?? And the next piece is, the telephone system and negotiations with the client in the hallway by the elevator. So far, the office is conducting a peloton ??‍♂️??‍♂️??‍♂️. One horror alternates with another. Nice laugh to the taxpayer, again I do not realize that the officials are there for our money and for us, not for me ne ️‼ ️‼ ️‼ ️

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