Orea Resort Sklar Harrachov

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Orea Resort Sklář**** | Harrachov | Oficiální stránky - Resortsklar.cz

Hotel | Krkonoše | KRNAP | Wellness | Restaurant | Resort

About Orea Resort Sklar Harrachov

Naše mise

✔︎ Přetvoření moderní hotelové recepce a vztahu s hosty po rezervaci pobytu.

✔︎ Pomáháme hotelům, hostelům, resortům a všem dalším ubytovacím zařízením sloužit svým hostům tím nejlepším možným způsobem.

✔︎ Vnést efektivitu, zvýšení příjmů a snížení nákladů do hotelového provozu a udělat hosta šťastným, bez stresu a pěkně informovaný. Nechat je užít si cestování na dané místo a mít nezapomenutelný a bezpečný pobyt.

✔︎ Sdílení digitálních zkušeností hostů a jejich výhod s partnery v oblasti pohostinství po celém světě

O nás

Vývoj MyStay započal v roce 2016, kdy náš vývojářský tým analyzoval chování hostů v 50 různých smartphonových aplikacích v různých hotelech po celé Evropě. Naší ideou bylo vytvořit aplikaci, která naplní přání a potřeby všech hostů, a kterou je lehké integrovat a přizpůsobit pro jakoukoli organizaci v oboru pohostinství.

První verze MyStay okouzlila lidi kolem Van der Valk, největší nizozemské sítě hotelů natolik, že se stali našimi prvními investory.

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Úspěchy a ocenění

⭐️ 2022 –  MyStay se stal součástí zprávy o lídrech trhu HotelTechIndex za rok 2022, kterou vytvořil HotelTechReport.com. Naše bezkontaktní technologie se umístila ve dvou kategoriích: Best of Guest Experience (Bezkontaktní odbavení) a Best of Revenue Management (Upselling)

⭐️ 2022 – MyStay byl jmenován Světovou organizací cestovního ruchu (UNWTO) jako jeden z TOP startupů v sektoru cestovního ruchu. 

⭐️ 2021 – MyStay byl vybrán jako jeden z 25 nejžhavějších startupů v sektoru pohostinství pro rok 2022 společností PhocusWire

⭐️ 2020 – Bezkontaktní sada MyStay Free byla vybrána Světovou organizací cestovního ruchu OSN (UNWTO) podporovaná Světovou zdravotnickou organizací (WHO) jako nejúplnější celosvětové řešení pro zmírnění dopadu COVID-19 na cestovní ruch.

⭐️ 2018 Booking.com ocenění pro top škálovatelný produkt pro zkušenost hostů

⭐️ 2017 – Česká centrála cestovního ruchu vyhlásila MyStay za „Startup roku“.

⭐️ 2016 – Finalisté StartupBootCamp a výherci ocenění “Smart City and Living”

⭐️ 2016 – Výherci ocenění UX design award

⭐️ 2016 – Finalisté soutěže “Get in the Ring”

Contact Orea Resort Sklar Harrachov

Address :

Harrachov 520, 512 46 Harrachov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +8
Website : http://www.resortsklar.cz/
Categories :
City : Harrachov
Description : Upscale rooms in a serene hotel offering 2 restaurants, a cozy bar & a spa with an indoor pool.

Harrachov 520, 512 46 Harrachov, Czechia
Photo Kid on Google

The reception was terrible from the start. This was the first time I had to wait 20 minutes for the receptionist to find our reservation. The room wasn't very large and not very nice inside. The sink in the bathroom was also basically unusable. The pillows were quite large but combined with the small hard bed they were very uncomfortable. Breakfast was disgusting. The coffee was basically undrinkable and the juices weren't far behind. The bread tasted 2 days old and all the additions had a similar taste. The bacon was burnt to a crisp and mixed with soggy toast bread (???). The entrance to the hotel is also slightly confusing as the GPS tells you to go in round the back where it's hard to find the expensive and crowded parking lot. Only positive is he view, as long as you don't look at the area of the hotel.
M Uers on Google

Review in English & German: Warning: Not suitable for allergic guests! Booked the more expensive executive room and got a room with a spectacular view of the parking lot (in order to get undressed I needed to close the curtains first), the bathrobes were torn and thus the extra costs for that room in comparison to the cheaper deluxe rooms not worth it. The interior is worn down and the carpet in our room shows suspicious stains. The indoor pool is too small for the number of guests, swimming was hardly possible. I have seen 12 people in a whirlpool approved for 6. Our biggest shock though was that there are dogs EVERYWERE! As an allergic person it is extremely hard to enjoy your stay if there are dogs on every floor and the hotel hotel offers carpet that simply cannot be cleaned thouroughly enough. I have complained at the reception and all they offered was, that I should see a pharmacy in order to get me some pills. They said, that there is no pet-free floor in the whole hotel. The only positive highlight was the very friendly live-cook at the buffet and the quality and variation of food during breakfast and dinner. Will not return though: it's definitely overprized and since there is no pet-free area not suitable for allergic persons. // GERMAN: Achtung - dieses Hotel ist nicht geeignet für Allergiker oder Hundephobiker! Wir haben die teureren Executive Zimmer gebucht und waren ehrlich enttäuscht. Von 8 Zimmer-Etagen, landeten wir in Etage 2 (die teureren Zimmer sollten in den oberen Etagen liegen) und hatten direkten Blick auf den Parkplatz und selbiger auch in unser Zimmer. Die kostenlosen Bademäntel für die Executive Zimmer waren total zerrissen und die Möbel abgewohnt. Der überall verlegte Teppich hatte seltsame Flecke, die nach Tierkot aussahen. Der Innenpool war winzig. Zu Stoßzeiten am Nachmittag war absolut kein Schwimmen möglich. Im Whirlpool, der für 6 zugelassen war, saßen zeitweise 12 Menschen und niemanden hat das interessiert. Das Schlimmste für uns war jedoch, dass wirklich überall im Hotel Hunde waren, auf jeder Etage (bei uns sogar rechts und links nebenan und demzufolge auch vorher in unserem Zimmer und Bett). Als Allergiker fiel es uns schwer auch nur eine Nacht erholsam zu schlafen. Die Rezeption reagierte darauf mit "Kaufen Sie sich doch Medikamente in der Apotheke!". Angeblich gäbe es im ganzen Hotel keinen tierfreien Bereich und das bei durchgehend Teppichboden. Einziges Highlight war der wirklich freundliche Live-Koch am Buffet und gute Qualität und Auswahl des Essens zum Frühstück und Abendbrot.
Martina Liptakova on Google

We were really happy with our stay but there are few things that make us not to give full number of points: 1. family room - we were given room with bunk beds (B101) - with little kids as we have it was impossible to use upper bed - so we squeezed. 2. The level of noise after 10pm coming from the bar and playground just outside of the room was so high that we had to close the windows otherwise it was not possible to sleep - family rooms could be probabably placed in less noisy part/side of the hotel or on upper floor. 3. number of pets in the hotel - maybe season thing but sometimes it felt like number of dogs outnumbered the number of kids we were meeting in the elevators and lobby. We really loved animation team - they were so great with kids and made sure kids enjoyed every minute. The restaurant was pleasent with great choice of food and drinks - both for breakfast and dinner. Hotel staff was perfect - professional and kind. The position of the hotel is great.
Robert Luckhurst on Google

A lovely place for a break Clean, comfortable and modern with a nice wellness centre on the ground floor.
scelero on Google

The smokers below us completely ruined our last days at the hotel. Although we repeatedly brought them to the attention of the hotel reception, the staff did nothing to remedy this. After all, smoking on the balconies is a general problem at this hotel, one only has to walk under the balconies in the morning or evening to find several avid smokers breaking the hotel rules. If you want to wake up or fall asleep in a smoky room full of nasty cigarette smoke, this hotel is the right choice. If not, keep away from it. In a civilized country, the hotel management would have offered us another room or some form of compensation, here we only received a very formal apology upon departure. NEVER MORE!!!!
David Lenard on Google

Perfect for a family trip. Service is excellent and everyone is very friendly. ?
Toos Klever on Google

Breakfast is good. The salad in the evening is good but the main menu terrible. Cleaning the rooms is terrible, everyday I've to complain. After 4 days still the toilet isn't cleaned. The room is dirty and dusty. This is once and never again. The vegatables are overcooked just like the pasta. Basic everyday the same with a few taste differences Hospitality is unknowned. No conversation with the manager positie. He listened but no reaction. The glasses, knives, forks and spoons from other people are not changed for new people. So hygiëne is difficult to find. The employees don't speak German or English, the manager hardly and a little smile is also very difficult. I hope other hotels from Orea are not so bad as this one. It starts with the competantion of a manager , this one won't make this a quality succesfull hotel but more a cheap food factory .
Jan Korytář on Google

Spectacular location, close to Mumlava waterfall and great for an all day hike to Pančava waterfall and Labská bouda. Access to SPA (swimming pool, whirlpool, sauna and steam room). From 7-9 pm kids have to leave the spa area. Nice and helpful staff. Huge selection of food in the breakfast buffet, the only thing we missed was more fruit options. You also get bathrobe and slippers, they're not really comfy but still it's nice. Overall would definitely recommend ?

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