[P] Parkoviště Zoo Hodonín - K Hájence 4126/3

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact [P] Parkoviště Zoo Hodonín

Address :

K Hájence 4126/3, 695 01 Hodonín, Czechia

Postal code : 695
Website : https://mapy.cz/%3Fsource%3Dtraf%26id%3D55104
Categories :
City : Hodonín

K Hájence 4126/3, 695 01 Hodonín, Czechia
Michal Růžička on Google

V životě jsem neviděl tak zničený les. Jezdím okolo už několik let a ten pohled na les poničený tornádem a budovy okolo je strašný ?
I have never seen such a ruined forest in my life. I have been driving around for several years and the view of the tornado-damaged forest and the buildings around it is terrible ?
Vít Janiš on Google

Sice zdarma, ovšem kapacitně zcela nedostačující potřebám zoo. Místo jsme nenašli, a to jsme přijeli ve čtvrtek v 16 hodin.
Although free, but the capacity is completely insufficient for the needs of the zoo. We didn't find the place, and we arrived on Thursday at 4 p.m.
Katerina Kratka on Google

Zoo není velká. Mají tu nádherné lvy a tygry. Bohužel tornádo se ani jemu nevyhnulo a je zavřený pavilon ryb. Tak buďte hodní a můžete li přispějte na obnovu.
The zoo is not big. They have beautiful lions and tigers. Unfortunately, the tornado did not escape him either and the fish pavilion is closed. So be nice and if you can contribute to the recovery.
Lukáš Jung on Google

Nečekaně je zde parkování zdarma ?
Unexpectedly, there is free parking ?
Jiri Nov on Google

Momentalne toto parkoviste slouzi jako odkladiste stromu znicenych tornadem, ...
At the moment, this parking lot serves as a storage place for trees destroyed by tornado, ...
Veronika on Google

No, co dodat. Ani jsem netušila, že je to parkoviště pro Zoo. Cestou tam mě navigace vedla slepou cestou, tak jsme trošku zabloudili a docela jsem se bála, jestli jedeme a pak jestli jsme dobře. Žádná cedule ZOO tam nebyla ?‍♀️ nicméně, zaparkovat se tam dá. Je to podle navigace asi 600m od ZOO. Kolem to vypadá jako jedno velké staveniště. Ale tak hlavní je zaparkovat, někde, kde vás neodtáhnou. Okolí není tak důležité ?
Well, what to add. I had no idea it was a parking lot for the Zoo. On the way there, the navigation led me through a dead end, so we got a little lost and I was quite worried if we were going and then if we were fine. There was no ZOO sign there - however, you can park there. According to navigation, it is about 600m from the ZOO. Around it looks like one big construction site. But the main thing is to park, somewhere where you won't be dragged. The neighborhood is not so important ?
petr kropáček on Google

Yveta Kršková on Google

Free parking and buffet. Serves for Zoo Hodonin

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