Paběnický mlýn - Místo mezi dvěma světy pro vaši vlastní cestu - Paběnice 33

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Paběnický mlýn - Místo mezi dvěma světy pro vaši vlastní cestu

Address :

Paběnice 33, 285 43 Paběnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +777
Postal code : 285
Website :
Categories :
City : Paběnice

Paběnice 33, 285 43 Paběnice, Czechia
Veronika Kunštátová on Google

4.6.22 jsme na Paběnickém mlýně uspořádali svoji svatbu a byli jsme velmi spokojeni. Mlýn je krásně udržovaný a čistý. Velmi jsme ocenili, že jsme si svatbu mohli uspořádat zcela dle svých představ, se svými dodavateli a vlastním pitím a nikdo nám absolutně nic nevnucoval. Velkou výhodou je nadstandardní počet lůžek, kdy v pokojích ubytujete až 49 hostu a další ve stanu či na matracich a vybavena kuchyně a bar. Komunikace s panem Seifertem byla velmi dobrá a vše proběhlo, jak jsme se domluvili. K predchozim recenzím: pravidla, která pan Seifert vyžaduje jsme požadovali za smysluplná a nečinilo nám větší potíže je dodržet, snad jen zákaz hluku venku po 22hodine může být pro někoho problém, ale není problém zábavu přesunout do hospody.
On June 4, 22 we organized our wedding at Paběnický mlýn and we were very satisfied. The mill is beautifully maintained and clean. We really appreciated that we were able to organize the wedding exactly according to our ideas, with our suppliers and our own drinks, and no one forced anything on us. The big advantage is the above-standard number of beds, where you can accommodate up to 49 guests in the rooms and another in a tent or on mattresses, and equipped kitchen and bar. The communication with Mr Seifert was very good and everything went as we had agreed. To previous reviews: the rules that Mr. Seifert requires we have made meaningful and have not had much trouble complying with them, perhaps just banning noise outside after 10pm can be a problem for someone, but it is not a problem to move the fun to the pub.
Tereza Borusíková on Google

4.9.2021 jsme meli svatbu vcetne obradu v Pabenickem mlyne. Pan Seifert byl velmi vstricny, ochotny a nabidl nam pomocnou ruku. Misto je idealni pro svatbu v soukromi, k dispozici jsou dve prostorne terasy, dostatek luzek a vnitrni prostor pro vecerni zabavu. Za nas urcite doporucujeme ?.
September 4, 2021 we had a wedding including a ceremony in Pabenický mill. Mr. Seifert was very accommodating, helpful and offered us a helping hand. The place is ideal for a private wedding, there are two spacious terraces, plenty of beds and indoor space for evening entertainment. We definitely recommend nas.
Lenka Machová on Google

18.9.2021 jsme měli svatbu v Paběnickém mlýně. Vše vyšlo skvěle, všichni jsme si náš den maximálně užili. Prostory jsou naprosto skvělé, místa je dostatek, 80 lidí se vejde s přehledem včetně spaní. Pronájem byl od pátku do neděle, takže v pátek byl dostatek času na přípravy a v sobotu jsme si už jen mohli užívat náš den. Na naši svatbu budeme určitě dlouho vzpomínat a děkujeme panu Seifertovi za skvělý servis a maximální ochotu při plánování svatby:) Catering jsme měli objednaný z Hotelu Hubert ve Zbraslavicích, který také doporučujeme, jídlo bylo famózní!
9/18/2021 we had a wedding in Paběnický mill. Everything turned out great, we all enjoyed our day to the fullest. The premises are absolutely great, there is plenty of space, 80 people can fit with an overview, including sleeping. The rental was from Friday to Sunday, so there was plenty of time for preparation on Friday and on Saturday we could only enjoy our day. We will definitely remember our wedding for a long time and we thank Mr. Seifert for the great service and maximum willingness to plan the wedding :) We had the catering ordered from the Hotel Hubert in Zbraslavice, which we also recommend, the food was famous!
Eliška Kašťáková on Google

19.6.2021 jsem měli svatbu v Paběnickém mlýně a lepší místo jsme si nemohli přát. Pro naši jednoduchou, odváznaou svatbu v přírodě, úplně parádní. Na místě se vyspali všichni a možnost vlastního jídla a pití je taky velké plus. Domluva s panem majitelem naprosto bez problému.
On June 19, 2021, we had a wedding in Paběnický mlýn and we could not have wished for a better place. For our simple, daring wedding in nature, absolutely great. Everyone slept on the spot and the possibility of own food and drink is also a big plus. Agreement with the owner without any problems.
Tiffany Pagone on Google

A charming, idyllic location with all the amenities you could need and space to spread out. We had an amazing weekend!
Aaron Strassberg on Google

It was an awesome experience! Everything was easily accessible and there were no issues. A beautiful location that made for the most beautiful wedding for our good friends.
Izabela Kozák on Google

Great place! Quiet and surrounded with greenery, so you can enjoy walks. Interior is comfortable and looks beautiful. We visited for friend’s wedding and it was a PERFECT place for such event. We will definetely come back!
Brett Horting on Google

We had a wonderful time planning and organizing our wedding here. The owners are very pleasant to work with, great large outdoor spaces, Meadows, fireplace, garage, kitchen is very professional. All the needed components inside the bar and kitchen area. Very new and plenty of space for 60-70 people to have a fabulous time. All our friends said they had an amazing time, and this was a dream come true wedding for us. We had attendees from 14 countries, so we knew it had to be excellently prepared.

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