4.7/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

Krejnická 2021/1, 148 00 Praha 4-Chodov, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +7779999
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City : Praha 4 Chodov

Krejnická 2021/1, 148 00 Praha 4-Chodov, Czechia
Jan Charvát on Google

Prostředí v Benešově super a to jak po herní stránce, tak i skvělí organizátoři od paintballgame.
The environment in Benešov is great, both in terms of games and great organizers from paintballgame.
Petr on Google

Zábavné aktivity různého druhu od luku se šípy po klasice zbraně na airsoft, chill zóna a sólo místnost na pořádání akcí bez zbraní (kulečník, fotbálek, páka, RC drahá)
Fun activities of all kinds from arrow bows to classic guns to airsoft, chill zone and solo room for holding events without weapons (billiards, football, lever, RC dear)
Filip Schauer on Google

Perfektní domluva, výborný servis a skvělé hřiště (Benešov). Určitě hodláme zopakovat a můžeme jen doporučit! :)
Perfect arrangement, excellent service and great playground (Benesov). Certainly we intend to repeat and we can only recommend! :)
Tom Podlucký on Google

Máš chuť si zablbnout pod vedením zkušených paintballových profesionálů??Tak to jsi tady dobře. Všechno je možné, stačí se zeptat ;-) Velké i malé paintball hry. Indoor i outdoor, Skvělá hřiště v Benešově, ale i přímo v Praze a poblíž Prahy.
Do you want to get lost under the guidance of experienced paintball professionals? So you're fine here. Everything is possible, just ask ;-) Big and small paintball games. Indoor and outdoor, Great playgrounds in Benešov, but also directly in Prague and near Prague.
Ivana Čížková on Google

Zábava pro malé i velké - mini tanky jsou super. Velmi příjemný a ochotný personál. Lesní areál v Benešově jako stvořený pro pracovní skupiny. Dobrý servis a snaha, aby zákazník byl spokojen a to se počítá!
Fun for small and big - mini tanks are great. Very friendly and helpful staff. The forest area in Benešov is ideal for working groups. Good service and effort to make the customer happy and that counts!
Robert Novák on Google

Naše zkušenost z hřiště v Milovicích stojí za sdílení. Místo je prakticky neoznačené, vrata při příjezdu uzavřená. Nečekejte v místě nějaké zázemí na převlečení, WC či úkryt při nepřízni počasí. Slibované občerstvení je formou směsky PETek z dodávky organizátora. Areál je spíše vrakovištěm odložených a zřejmě většinou nepojízdných vozů a skládkou materiálu či stavebních konstrukcí. Najdete zde pouze jedno hřiště. Samotné hřiště je neudržované, plné křovin, sutě a nebezpečných kovových prvků. Na vosí hnízdo jsme upozornili a doufáme, že ho organizátor pro další odstranil. Výbava byla značně používaná - velikost overalů nedostačující, čistota pochybná, zbraně všelijak uvolněné, masky poničené a rukavice děravé. Nakonec cena za 2h hry a poplatek za osobu pod povolený počet naprosto neodpovídá úrovni. Hledám-li nějaké pozitivum…pak platba kartou, možnost dokoupit i menší množství kuliček. Závěr: hledejte zábavu raději jinde.
Our experience from the playground in Milovice is worth sharing. The place is practically unmarked, the gate is closed on arrival. Do not expect any facilities on the spot for changing clothes, toilets or shelter in bad weather. The promised refreshment is in the form of a PETek mix from the organizer's delivery. The area is rather a junkyard of discarded and probably mostly immovable cars and a dump of material or building structures. There is only one playground. The course itself is unmaintained, full of bushes, rubble and dangerous metal elements. We pointed out the wasp's nest and we hope that the organizer removed it for the next one. The equipment was extensively used - the size of the overalls was insufficient, the cleanliness questionable, the weapons loose in all sorts, the masks damaged and the gloves leaked. In the end, the price for 2 hours of play and the fee per person below the allowed number do not correspond to the level at all. If I am looking for a positive… then payment by card, the option to buy a smaller number of balls. Bottom line: look for entertainment elsewhere.
Gino Armani on Google

Just perfect.
Paul Goddard on Google

I attended with a Stag Do, in a group of 11 and we played their airsoft adaptation of the popular PC game Counter Strike. What can i say? The service and value for money was exceptional, i can honestly say one of the most enjoyable 3-4 hours of my life and i think that goes for everyone else in our group. We paid the equivalent of £44 which amounts to £14 an hour! The atmosphere was so laid back, with no cons into buying added extras, everything from the clothes we were wearing (full army like attire with Terrorist looking head ware), 4 different types of gun (glock G17, G5 machine gun, AK-47 and Sniper Rifle) that we all had chance to use, unlimited ammunition and safety wear were included. Our instructor Martin was fantastic, keeping the games flowing and enjoyable and even joined in as we had uneven numbers, also his assistant whom had the tedious task of refilling all of our magazines constantly as we continued to carelessly empty them. We played several variations of Counterstrike such as - Team Death Match, Capture the Flag, VIP, Arm and Diffuse the Bomb etc. The detail was such that we had a replica bomb, this had to be physically armed by one team and then diffused by the other. The bomb could be diffused in the same way it was armed by pressing and holding a button, but it had a built in function that may spontaneously cause the diffusing procedure to fail, resulting in you having to pull one of the three wires, one that diffuses the bomb, one that makes the countdown quicker and one that detonates it there and then. Like i have said, i can't honestly think of a more enjoyable 3-4 hours to spend with your mates, paintballing is good, but the feel of holding what is essentially a replica of a real gun, and being able to shoot your friends in the crotch from point blank range, what more could you ask for? Strongly recommended and thank you to the staff that made it so enjoyable.

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