
4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Paradiso

Address :

Braunerova 390, 180 00 Praha 8-Libeň, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +778
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Categories :
City : Praha 8 Libeň

Braunerova 390, 180 00 Praha 8-Libeň, Czechia
Maciek Mragowo on Google

Weszliśmy do Clubu jako nowicjusze :-) Zdenerwowani oraz bardzo onieśmieleni. Pierwsza godzina była dla nas bardzo trudna ale właściciele o wszystko zadbali bardzo profesjonalnie. Mega Pozytywne wrażenie, ludzie sympatyczni , obsługa przemiła. Wrażenia dosłownie MEGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Było tak fajnie ze postanowiliśmy od razu na drugi dzień ( pierwszy raz byliśmy w piątek ) pójść tam znowu . Oczywiście juz bardziej wyluzowani :-) ?. Było jeszcze lepiej ? . Przede wszystkim co najważniejsze TYLKO PARY !!!!!!!. Można naprawdę czuć się wyluzowanym i bardzo swobodnie. Weszliśmy tam jako NOWICJUSZE ............teraz nie możemy doczekać się kolejnego RAZU ? Juz na drugi dzień zamawialiśmy bilety na samolot ? ???? Pozdrawiamy serdecznie właścicieli B. M .
We entered the Club as newbies :-) Nervous and very intimidated. The first hour was very difficult for us, but the owners took care of everything very professionally. Mega Positive impression, nice people, nice service. Impressions literally MEGA !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was so fun that we decided to go there again on the second day (we were on Friday for the first time). Of course, more relaxed :-) ?. It was even better ?. Most importantly, ONLY COUPLES !!!!!!!. You can really feel relaxed and very comfortable. We entered there as NEWS ............ now we are looking forward to the next TIME ? On the second day we ordered tickets for the plane ? ???? Best regards to the owners B. M.
Mária Bahledová on Google

Nádherný klub, všetko čisté a upravené. Veľké priestory a veľmi pekne zariadené. Po príchode sme boli prevedení celým klubom a všetko nám bolo vysvetlené, super, parkovanie vo vnútri v uzavretom areáli, super. S klubom sme maximálne spokojní až na jeden obrovský nedostatok ktorý bohužiaľ ako nefajčiari musíme vytknúť. V klube sa v spoločenskej miestnosti môže fajčiť a keď si tam zapáli viac ľudí tak bohužiaľ je to tam nedýchateľné, klimatizácia nestíha. Sme nefajčiari takže toto nám skutočne prekážalo, že ešte v dnešnej dobe sa môže vo vnútri podniku fajčiť. Ak chce niekto fajčiť nech ide von a nech tým smradom nezasmradí celý podnik. kazí to zážitok. V zadných miestnostiach sa našťastie nefajčí takže tam sa dalo vydržať, ale keď sa podávalo občerstvenie a stále sa mohlo fajčiť ??? och škoda veľká škoda, lebo okrem tohto, sa podniku skutočne nič nedalo vytknúť a preto bohužiaľ len 4 hviezdy. Napriek tomu to skúsime ešte raz v lete keď sa bude dať sedieť aj vonku.
Wonderful club, everything clean and tidy. Large spaces and very nicely decorated. Upon arrival we were transferred to the whole club and everything was explained to us, great, parking inside in a closed area, great. We are extremely satisfied with the club, except for one huge shortcoming, which we unfortunately have to point out as non-smokers. The club can smoke in the common room and when more people light up there, unfortunately it is unbreathable, the air conditioning does not catch up. We are non-smokers, so this really bothered us that people can still smoke inside the company. If someone wants to smoke, let them go out and let that stink of the whole business. it spoils the experience. Fortunately, they don't smoke in the back rooms, so it was possible to stay there, but when snacks were served and you could still smoke ??? och škoda great damage, because apart from that, the company really could not be blamed and therefore, unfortunately, only 4 stars. Nevertheless, we will try it again in the summer when it will be possible to sit outside.
Stuart Farleigh on Google

Fun club :)
Rom Gart on Google

Very bad, small no drink and food like promisted...
Eran Sadovski on Google

Nice club but small and over crowded, just if you prefer this way.
LEA CAUSSE on Google

Best club in Prague Very warm welcome by the owner Very clean everywhere in the club Buffet very good and hearty Rather young and chic clientele You will have a great evening going there
Le lama Mala on Google

Best club in Prague. A lot of actions, they speak English, nice service, normal price and excellent buffet.
James Dean on Google

We went to this fantastic place on 12.01.2019. The audience was rather young: with six couples in their late 20’s to 35 years old, another four couples average 35-45 years old and another four older than 45 years. There was also a single girl (around 30 years old probably). Lots of beautiful girls in the audience.The service was great, the prices were very OK for such a club and everything looked clean and proper. We met a nice couple and had a nice time. Club highly recommended!

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