Paragliding startoviště Kozákov

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Contact Paragliding startoviště Kozákov

Address :

513 01 Chuchelna, Czechia

Categories :
City : Chuchelna

513 01 Chuchelna, Czechia
Roman Čapek on Google

Úžasné místo s krásným výhledem do okolí.
Amazing place with beautiful views of the surroundings.
Lucie Petersová on Google

Krásný výhled, úžasné místo
Beautiful view, amazing place
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Původně jsem zamýšlel zastavit se cestou z Trosek do Semil na Kozákově jen na chvíli, dát si pivo a pokračovat, nakonec z toho ale byl zásek na 5 hodin. Pozorovat totiž paraglidisty buď úplně zblízka na startovním poli, nebo hezky z výšky na ochozu tamní rozhledny, je totiž fascinující. V zorném poli máte většinu Českého ráje, v dáli trůni zřícenina hradu Trosky a po obloze svobodně plují drobné kontury nadšenců paraglidingu. Startoviště v nadmořské výšce 744 m.n.m. je orientováno dvěma směry: jižním až západním a tvoří ho velká udržovaná travnatá plocha pro minimálně 20 rozložených padáků. Méně využívané je též severní startoviště vlevo vedle lyžařského vleku. Rozhledna Kozákov se svou vyhlídkovou plošinou ve výšce 24 m je při příjezdu do této lokality dobře viditelná ze všech směrů. Dvě nejvyužívanější přistávací plochy v nadmořské výšce 484 m n.m. přímo vedle silnice, jsou označené větrným rukávem. Paraglidingová škola reprezentanta ČR Miroslava Stěhuly nabízí celou škálu aktivit kolem létání na padácích, od přednášek přes ukázky ke kurzům seznamovacím nebo "k získání licence". Pro piloty s licencí je zde možné si zapůjčit vybavení. Tandemové lety nabízí jako instruktážní nebo i formou dárkových poukazů. Originally, I intended to stop (on my way from Trosky castle to Semily) on Kozakov just for a moment, to have a beer and continue, but eventually I had stopped for about 5 hours. Watching paragliders, either very close on the starting field, or pretty far from the height of the viewing tower, is fascinating. In the field of view, you have the majority of Bohemian Paradise, the ruins of Trosky castle ruins and the small contours of paragliding enthusiasts freely navigate the sky - it is just awesome! Startsite at an altitude of 744 m.n. is oriented in two directions: south to west and is formed by a large grassy area maintained for at least 20 parachutes. A lesser use is also the northern launch site to the left next to the ski lift. The Kozákov observation tower, with its viewing platform at 24 m high, is well visible from all directions on arrival at this location. The two most widely used landing areas at an altitude of 484 m above sea level are right next to the access road, are marked with a wind sleeve. The Paragliding School of the Czech Republic representant Miroslav Stěhula offers a wide range of parachute flying activities, from lectures through demonstrations to introductory or "licensing" courses. If you are licensed pilot you can rent equipment here. Tandem flights offer both instructional and gift vouchers.
Originally, I intended to stop on the way from Trosek to Semily in Kozákov only for a while, have a beer and continue, but in the end it was a 5-hour jam. It is fascinating to watch paragliders either up close on the starting field or from a great height on the gallery of the local lookout tower. In the field of view you have most of the Bohemian Paradise, in the distance the ruins of the Trosky castle throne and small contours of paragliding enthusiasts float freely across the sky. Starting point at an altitude of 744 m.n.m. it is oriented in two directions: south to west and consists of a large maintained grass area for at least 20 distributed parachutes. Less used is also the northern starting point to the left of the ski lift. The Kozákov lookout tower with its observation platform at a height of 24 m is clearly visible from all directions when arriving in this locality. The two most used landing areas at an altitude of 484 m above sea level. right next to the road are marked with a windsock. The paragliding school of the Czech representative Miroslav Stěhula offers a whole range of activities around paragliding, from lectures through demonstrations to introductory courses or "to obtain a license". For licensed pilots, it is possible to rent equipment here. It offers tandem flights as instructional or in the form of gift vouchers. Originally, I intended to stop (on my way from Trosky castle to Semily) on Kozakov just for a moment, to have a beer and continue, but eventually I had stopped for about 5 hours. Watching paragliders, either very close on the starting field, or pretty far from the height of the viewing tower, is fascinating. In the field of view, you have the majority of Bohemian Paradise, the ruins of Trosky castle ruins and the small contours of paragliding enthusiasts freely navigate the sky - it is just awesome! Startsite at an altitude of 744 m.n. is oriented in two directions: south to west and is formed by a large grassy area maintained for at at least 20 parachutes. A lesser use is also the northern launch site to the left next to the ski lift. The Kozákov observation tower, with its viewing platform at 24 m high, is well visible from all directions on arrival at this location. The two most widely used landing areas at an altitude of 484 m above sea level are right next to the access road, are marked with a wind sleeve. The Paragliding School of the Czech Republic representative Miroslav Stěhula offers a wide range of parachute flying activities, from lectures through demonstrations to introductory or "licensing" courses. If you are licensed pilot you can rent equipment here. Tandem flights offer both instructional and gift vouchers.

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