Parish Congregation of the Evangelical Church - Kralická 1001

4.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Velikonoční posezení s grilem

Květná neděle se nesla ve znamení oslavy Krále přicházejícího na oslátku. Děkujeme rodině gril mistra kurátora za přípravu skvělého jídla. Radost a dobrá nálada vanuly na kruchtě mocně.
Ohlasy jsou velmi dobré a mnozí se ptáte, kdy si to zopakujeme. Doufáme, že brzy. Grilovací sezónu na dvorku jsme teprve zahájili. Díky, že jste přišli! více

Contact Parish Congregation of the Evangelical Church

Address :

Kralická 1001, 100 00 Strašnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +78
Postal code : 100
Website :
Categories :
City : Strašnice

Kralická 1001, 100 00 Strašnice, Czechia
Andrea Dlouhá on Google

ondra dlouhy on Google

Jiri Kubias on Google

Antonín Šmíd on Google

Robinekjeking on Google

Kateřina Roznickova on Google

Perfektní čistota, útulno a milo.
Perfect cleanliness, cozy and nice.
Eliška Chlebounová on Google

Super aktivity pro děti a mládež -nedělka, biblická hodina, výlety, letní tábor, vánoční divadlo a rodinná odpoledne. A obecně skvělý prostor pro setkávání všech generací. V této době samozřejmě aktivní on-line. ?
Super activities for children and youth - Sunday, Bible class, trips, summer camp, Christmas theater and family afternoons. And a great place to meet all generations in general. At this time, of course, active online. ?
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Strašnický sbor byl založen 30. listopadu 1930. Z této doby pochází i současná modlitebna, zvenčí nenápadná do níž se vchází činžovním domem. Ten nijak nevybočuje z fronty ostatních domů, prozrazuje jej pouze kalich na fasádě nad vstupem. Na rozdíl od většiny kostelů, k nimž nejčastěji stoupáte po schodech, do strašnické mod­litebny musíte sestoupit 14 schodů. Interiér s architekturou v konstruktivistickém slohu prošel několika přestavbami a rekonstrukcemi. Při té poslední ze začátku 90. let 20. století vznikla i čelní stěna, která se zatím stala symbolem strašnického sboru. Ze stejné doby jsou i nové varhany. V předsálí je umístěna plastika sochaře Ivana Jilemnického "Cesta ke světlu" z hořického pískovce, kterou sbor přijal od autora jako dar. Pravidelné bohoslužby se zde konají každou neděli od 9:00. The Strašnice congregation was founded on November 30, 1930. The current prayer house, inconspicuous from the outside, which is entered through an apartment building, also dates from this period. It does not deviate from the queue of other houses, it is only revealed by the chalice on the facade above the entrance. Unlike most churches, to which you most often climb the stairs, you have to descend 14 steps to get to this prayer house. The interior with architecture in the constructivist style has undergone several reconstructions. During the last one from the beginning of the 1990s, the front wall was created, which has so far become a symbol of the Strašnice choir. There is also a new organ from the same time. In the foyer, the sculpture by artist Ivan Jilemnický "The Road to Light" is placed. It´s made of Hořice sandstone and the choir accepted it as a gift from the author. Regular services are held here every Sunday from 9:00.
The Strašnice congregation was founded on November 30, 1930. The current prayer house, inconspicuous from the outside, which is entered through an apartment building, also dates from this period. It does not deviate from the queue of other houses, it is only revealed by the chalice on the facade above the entrance. Unlike most churches, to which you most often climb the stairs, you have to descend 14 steps to the Strašnice prayer house. The interior with architecture in the constructivist style has undergone several reconstructions and reconstructions. During the last one from the beginning of the 1990s, the front wall was created, which has so far become a symbol of the Strašnice choir. There is also a new organ from the same time. In the foyer there is a sculpture by the sculptor Ivan Jilemnický "The Way to the Light" made of Hořice sandstone, which the choir accepted from the author as a gift. Regular services are held here every Sunday from 9:00. The Strašnice congregation was founded on November 30, 1930. The current prayer house, inconspicuous from the outside, which is entered through an apartment building, also dates from this period. It does not deviate from the queue of other houses, it is only revealed by the chalice on the facade above the entrance. Unlike most churches, to which you most often climb the stairs, you have to descend 14 steps to get to this prayer house. The interior with architecture in the constructivist style has undergone several reconstructions. During the last one from the beginning of the 1990s, the front wall was created, which has so far become a symbol of the Strašnice choir. There is also a new organ from the same time. In the foyer, the sculpture by artist Ivan Jilemnický "The Road to Light" is placed. It´s made of Hořice sandstone and the choir accepted it as a gift from the author. Regular services are held here every Sunday from 9:00.

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