Parkoviště Billa nábřeží Doktora Beneše - nábř. Dr. Beneše 2580

3.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parkoviště Billa nábřeží Doktora Beneše

Address :

nábř. Dr. Beneše 2580, 269 01 Rakovník, Czechia

Postal code : 269
Categories :
City : Rakovník

nábř. Dr. Beneše 2580, 269 01 Rakovník, Czechia
Kamil Kovac on Google

Jenda on Google

Josef “Pipe” Bradáč on Google

Zu Zu on Google

František Beneš on Google

Tomáš Polák on Google

Parkoviště u nákupního centra S1 CENTER v Rakovníku je průměrné. Parkoviště velké není, ale většinou se nějaké parkovací místo najde. Parkovat se zde může maximálně 1 hodinu, protože je určeno pro zákazníky S1C (Billa, Palác Food, Orion, DM, Pepco, Planeo elektro a Benji ZOO SHOP).
Parking at the S1 CENTER shopping center in Rakovník is average. There is no large parking lot, but mostly there is a parking space. Parking is limited to 1 hour as it is intended for S1C customers (Bill, Food Palace, Orion, DM, Pepco, Planeo Electric and Benji ZOO SHOP).
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dobré místo pro zaparkování na nábřeží Doktora Beneše u Rakovníckého potoka (bývalé předměstí) je sice časově omezeno, ale moc to nevypadalo, že by to někdo řešil. Vhodné jak pro nákupy v centru, tak pro kratší výlet vlakem nebo busem mimo město. U parkoviště je otevřen o všedních dnech i stánek s novinama a tabákem a rychlé občerstvení. A good place to park at Dr. Beneš' waterfront near Rakovnický stream (former suburb) is limited in time, but it did not seem like someone cares about how long you stay there (but it was after a summer season). Suitable for shopping in the center as well as for a shorter trip by train or bus outside the city. A small tobbaco shop and and fast food are opened on weekdays at the parking area.
A good place for parking on the embankment of Doktor Beneš by the Rakovník brook (former suburb) is limited in time, but it didn't seem like anyone would solve it. Suitable for both shopping in the center and for a short trip by train or bus outside the city. The stall with newspapers and tobacco and fast food is also open on weekdays by the car park. A good place to park at Dr. Beneš 'waterfront near Rakovnický stream (former suburb) is limited in time, but it did not seem like someone cares about how long you stay there (but it was after a summer season). Suitable for shopping in the center as well as for a shorter trip by train or bus outside the city. A small tobbaco shop and and fast food are opened on weekdays at the parking area.
Petr Fast on Google

Parking is limited to a 1 hour but nobody seems to be keeping track of the duration anyway. You can get a parking spot at almost any time.

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