Parkoviště Lannova

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parkoviště Lannova

Address :

Lannova tř. 136, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia

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Categories :

Lannova tř. 136, 370 01 České Budějovice, Czechia
Milan Hejbal on Google

Sobota plus neděle parkování zdarma
Saturday plus Sunday free parking
Petr Voříšek on Google

Nevyjímečné normální parkoviště.
Exceptional normal parking.
Jana Čermáková on Google

Krásná pěší zóna se spoustou obchodů
Beautiful pedestrian zone with lots of shops
US Friendship on Google

Überraschend günstig zudem die Parkzone mitten im zentrum liegt. Keine Zeitbeschränkung
The parking zone is also surprisingly cheap in the middle of the center. No time limit
Eva Wágnerová on Google

Jelikož je před svátky a lidé nakupují potraviny ,tak bylo volno?
Since they are bought before the holidays and people buy food, so it was free
Pavla Došková on Google

Jsem vděčná, že tu je. O víkendu tuším zdarma, jinak za běžný poplatek, cca 20 Kč na hodinu. Jen místa pro auta nedostatečná, když vedle sebe stojí trochu širší auta, nemusí být místo na otevření dveří. Naštěstí v našem případě pro spolujezdce.
I'm grateful she's here. At the weekend, I guess free, otherwise for a regular fee, about 20 CZK per hour. Only enough space for cars, when slightly wider cars stand side by side, there may not be a place to open the door. Fortunately, in our case for the passenger.
Vladimir Pecha on Google

Dnešní pojmenování podle českobudějovického podnikatele A. Lanny se ujalo v 2. pol. 19. století. Proměnu ulice na moderní třídu umožnila demolice opevnění města. Po výstavbě nového železničního nádraží 1908 se třída stala nejrychlejší spojnicí s centrem města. Stala se reprezentativní obchodní třídou - tomu odpovídal i charakter nové obytné a obchodní zástavby realizované zejména ve stylu secese, někdy ještě v ustupujícím historismu. Po rekonstrukci v roce 2006 byla třída rozšířena, dostala charakter pěší zóny oddychovými a parkovými prvky doplněnými vodními plochami. Parkoviště na východním konci, u vlakového nádraží pojme přes 50 vozů (40Kč/h). Today's name, according to the entrepreneur A. Lanna, took place in the second half of the 19th century. The transformation of the street into a modern avenue was allowed with the demolition of the city´s fortification. After the construction of the new railway station in 1908, the class became the fastest link to the city center. It has become a representative business boulevard - this corresponds to the character of the new residential and commercial development realized mainly in the style of Art Nouveau, sometimes even in receding Historicism. After huge reconstruction in 2006 the class was expanded, the pedestrian zone was provided with recreational and parking elements supplemented by water surfaces. Parking at the eastern end (near the train station) can accommodate over 50 cars (40CZK/h).
Today's name after the České Budějovice businessman A. Lanna took over in the second half of the 19th century. The transformation of the street into a modern street was made possible by the demolition of the city fortifications. After the construction of the new railway station in 1908, the street became the fastest connection with the city center. It became a representative business class - the character of the new residential and commercial development, realized mainly in the Art Nouveau style, sometimes even in declining historicism, corresponded to this. After the reconstruction in 2006, the class was expanded, it got the character of a pedestrian zone with rest and park elements supplemented by water areas. Parking at the east end, at the train station can accommodate over 50 cars (40 CZK / h). Today's name, according to the entrepreneur A. Lanna, took place in the second half of the 19th century. The transformation of the street into a modern avenue was allowed with the demolition of the city´s fortification. After the construction of the new railway station in 1908, the class became the fastest link to the city center. It has become a representative business boulevard - this corresponds to the character of the new residential and commercial development realized mainly in the style of Art Nouveau, sometimes even in receding Historicism. After huge reconstruction in 2006 the class was expanded, the pedestrian zone was provided with recreational and parking elements supplemented by water surfaces. Parking at the eastern end (near the train station) can accommodate over 50 cars (40CZK / h).
Josef Blažek on Google


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