Pekařství Hello!

1.8/5 based on 5 reviews

Contact Pekařství Hello!

Address :

V Olšinách 100, 108 00 Strašnice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +79
Website :
Opening hours :
Sunday 7AM–6PM
Monday 6AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 6AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 6AM–8:30PM
Thursday 6AM–8:30PM
Friday 6AM–8:30PM
Saturday 7AM–6PM
Categories :
City : Strašnice

V Olšinách 100, 108 00 Strašnice, Czechia
Lucie Rohlíková on Google

Sladké přeslazené, plněné slané pečivo samý margarin...
Sweet sweetened, stuffed savory pastry itself margarine ...
Martin on Google

Prodej pečiva přímo na metru. Dobrý hot dog za 25 Kč. Ceny za pečivo jsou vyšší.
Sales of bread directly on the metro. Good hot dog for 25 CZK. Prices for bread are higher.
Martin Kerekeš on Google

Jako 10 rohliků za 69kč??? Tady uz nekoupim nic
Like 10 rolls for 69 CZK ??? I won't buy anything here anymore
David Miler on Google

Ta polska kráva s chlupama v nose mi v patek kolem 17:00 odmítla prodat prodat Medovní s tím že ho nema a přitom ho jedla a když sem se zaptal proč ho ni když neni a odpověděla mi že ma hlad a rejpala se nose.
The Polish cow with hair in her nose refused to sell me Medovní on Friday around 17:00, saying that she didn't have it and ate it at the same time, and when I asked why it wasn't there and she replied that I was hungry and had a runny nose.
Ladislav Piskalík on Google

Obyčejné pečivo jako rohlík a houska je opravdu předražené. Navíc Vám prodají za plnou cenu pečivo, které je staré. Doma šlo rovnou do koše. Tady už nikdy nic.
Ordinary pastries such as croissants and buns are really overpriced. In addition, they will sell you bread that is old for the full price. At home, it went straight to the trash. Nothing here again.

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