Pension Styl

3.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Pension Styl

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Školní 15, 353 01 Drmoul, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +897
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City : Drmoul

Školní 15, 353 01 Drmoul, Czechia
Mikuláš Hrubý on Google

V tomto penzionu jsme si rezervovali apartmá se dvěma ložnicecma, v popisu s vlastní koupelnou a kuchyni. Misto toho jsme dostali nechutný malý pokoj, se společnou koupelnou s dalšími hosty penzionu a také se společnou "kuchyni", ve ktere byl nedostatek nádobí, malý vařič, takze jsme nemohli vařit. Cely dum je ze dřeva, takze vsechno všude vrzalo. Během pobytu se nikdy neuklizelo, koše se nevynasely. "Třešničkou" na dortu bylo, kdyz prisel, lépe řečeno vtrhnul, do našeho pokoje manžel paní majitelky a začal na nás doslova křičet, co si to dovolujeme, at se probereme, ze jsme hluční. Způsob, kterým nám to sdělil byl naprosto nepřijatelný, panu majitelovi asi nic neříká vztah host-hostitel. Jednal s nami jak s kusem hadru. Chapu, ze je v pensionu vše slyšet, ale mohl nás požádat, abychom se ztisili a ne začít křičet. Zahrádka, která je na fotografii, byla celou dobu obsazena rodinou majitelky. Fotografie neodpovídají realitě. Pension je hrozne daleko od centra, autobusy jezdí jen dvakrát denně, museli jsme jezdit taxi. NEDOPORUČUJI!
In this guest house we booked a suite with two bedrooms, in the description with private bathroom and kitchen. Instead, we got a disgusting little room, with a shared bathroom with other guests of the pension and also with a shared "kitchen", in which there was a lack of dishes, a small stove, so we couldn't cook. The whole house is made of wood, so everything creaked everywhere. It was never cleaned during the stay, the baskets were not taken out. The "icing on the cake" was, when he arrived, or rather broke into, the owner's husband's husband into our room and literally shouted at us what we dared to wake up to being noisy. The way he told us was completely unacceptable, the owner probably doesn't know anything about the guest-host relationship. He treated us like a piece of rag. I understand that everything can be heard in the boarding house, but he could have asked us to shut up and not start screaming. The garden, which is in the photo, was occupied by the owner's family the whole time. The photos do not correspond to reality. The pension is very far from the center, buses run only twice a day, we had to take a taxi. I DO NOT RECOMMEND!
Jirka Rutar on Google

Klidné místo, velmi čisté, úžasní majitelé, vstřícní, ochota, vše k použití i vyžití...jen mohu doporučit. Je skvělé, že to vůbec existuje ;-) , Jirka z ML
Quiet place, very clean, wonderful owners, helpful, willing, everything to use and enjoy ... I can only recommend. It's great that it even exists ;-), Jirka from ML
Lucka K. on Google

Tento penzion můžeme vřele doporučit, dům je situován v klidné části obce s velkou zahradou kde bylo spousta vyžití pro naše děti. Houpačky, klouzačka, velké pískoviště s hračkami a bazén způsobily, že děti se nechtěli z domu hnout :-) Ubytování- každý pokoj měl vlastní sociální zařízení, vše nové, čisté, společná kuchyňka se společenskou místností pojme cca 30 osob, vařit jsme si nemuseli, jelikož jsme využili možnost polopenzí, které připravuje maminka majitelky. Jednu noc nás sice do pozdních hodin rušili nově ubytovaní hosté, ale majitelka vše zařídila a situace se již neopakovala a my strávili zbytek dovolené zcela v klidu. Manžel ocenil uzamykatelné parkoviště a vytvořený systém parkování, kdy jsme i při příjezdu v pozdních hodinách měli místo k parkování i když byl penzion zcela obsazen. Na závěr chci poděkovat za milý přístup majitelů, tipy na výlety a výborné služby. Děkujeme za krásný týden a rádi přijedeme znovu!!!
This guest house can be highly recommended, the house is situated in a quiet village with a large garden where there was plenty of enjoyment for our children. Swings, a slide, a large sandbox with toys and a pool caused the kids not to move out of the house :-) Accommodation- each room had its own bathroom, all new, clean, shared kitchen with a common room can hold about 30 people, we did not have to cook , because we used the half-board option, which is prepared by the owner's mother. One night, the newly accommodated guests disturbed us until late, but the owner arranged everything and the situation was not repeated again and we spent the rest of the holiday completely calm. My husband appreciated the lockable parking lot and the parking system created when we had a parking space even when arriving late, even though the guesthouse was completely occupied. Finally, I would like to thank you for the kind approach of the owners, tips for trips and excellent service. Thank you for a wonderful week and we will come again !!!
Adela Sailerova on Google

Dekujeme za krasny pobyt! Po precteni nekterych recenzi jsme meli smisene pocity, ale vse predcilo nase ocekavani. S tylovy zrekonstuovany pension velka kuchyn se spolecenskou mistnosti a predevsim krasna zahrada s vyzitim pro deti a moznosti grilovani. Na koupani v bazenu bylo jeste chladno, ale radi si zopakujeme v lete. Drzime palce a z negativnich recenzi si nic nedelejte - zvlast kdyz je pisi zavistivi sousede :-) Mozna jedno doporuceni stalo by za to aktualizovat www stranky aby potencionalni klienti videli jake to tam mate. Zdravi rodina Sailerova
Thank you for a wonderful stay! After reading some reviews, we had mixed feelings, but everything exceeded our expectations. With a rear-renovated guest house, a large kitchen with a common room and, above all, a beautiful garden with facilities for children and barbecue facilities. It was still cold for swimming in the pool, but we will be happy to repeat it in the summer. We keep our fingers crossed and don't do anything from negative reviews - especially when you write envious neighbors :-) Maybe one recommendation would be to update the website so that potential clients can see what you have there. Healthy Sailer family
Jakub Tůma on Google

V penzionu je to hezké, pokoje jsou dobře vybavené a je i docela velká zahrada. Důvod, proč dávám dvě hvězdy je, že po desáté hodině musíte zalézt dovnitř, protože rodina, která vlastní tento penzion má dvě malé děti. Nechci znít jako sobecký člověk, ale myslím si, že by to mohli napsat na stránky.
The guest house is nice, the rooms are well equipped and there is also a fairly large garden. The reason I give two stars is that after ten o'clock you have to climb inside, because the family that owns this guesthouse has two small children. I don't want to sound like a selfish person, but I think they could write it on the site.
Olga Bártová on Google

Příjemné ubytování vhodné i pro rodiny s dětmi. Moc dobré jídlo.
Pleasant accommodation suitable for families with children. Very good food.
Sabine Holle on Google

What a horrible stay in this dirty house. Never again!
Cherry Blond on Google

The photos are not the reality at all. The owners are not friendly and very rude, the room was not cleaned. Stay canceled prematurely.

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