Petříkův Statek - Petříkův Statek

4.4/5 based on 7 reviews

Contact Petříkův Statek

Address :

503 15 Sovětice, Czechia

Phone : 📞 +87
Postal code : 503
Website :
Categories :
City : Sovětice

503 15 Sovětice, Czechia
Tomáš Bartošek on Google

Adam Bernard on Google

Jiri Krejcik on Google

Milan Kroupa on Google

Daniel Drábek on Google

Jerseyt 78 on Google

Skvělá dovolená
Great vacation
Robert Chiminec on Google

Veľmi tiché prostredie s rodinnou atmosférou. Príjemný majiteľ so zmyslom pre humor a ochotou nás ubytovať aj mimo dohodnutý čas. Aj keď sme boli ubytovaní len jednu noc, tak sa nám lokalita páčila. V izbe boli k dispozícii 4 postele a ak niekto príde s deťmi, tak o hračky núdzu mať nebude. Nie je žiaden problém s parkovaním a okrem využitia príjazdovej cesty pred domom je možné parkovať aj priamo vo dvore. Otváranie brány je vraj o niečo zdĺhavejšie. My sme to však nepotrebovali vyskúšať.
Very quiet environment with family atmosphere. Pleasant owner with a sense of humor and willingness to accommodate us outside the agreed time. Although we stayed only one night, we liked the location. There were 4 beds in the room, and there would be no need for toys if someone came with the kids. There is no problem with parking and besides using the driveway in front of the house it is possible to park directly in the yard. The opening of the gate is said to be somewhat lengthier. But we didn't need to try it.

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